$20,000 a Tweet???


Registered Member
Jul 12, 2009
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Just read this.....If you are trying to make money on Twitter, this might give you some hope. I couldnt beleive it. Here is the news story.

Looks like a good read but it won't load on my computer. Is the link correct? Anyone else having the same problem?
Hmmmm.just checked the link and it works for me....I hope other ppl can read this....It's mind-blowing.
Unless you're some famous celebrity, you'll probably never get anything above $10/tweet. This is no different then when Oprah gets paid millions of dollars to mention a brand of cookies or whatever on her show. But still, good read. (Even though it was pretty agonizing to read about John Chow's history for the millionth time.)
shoe*money has made a ton of money too with sptwt, .. I been 2 month with sptwt and made only $100 :( haha
This is pretty interesting ^^
thnx for posting it
These celebrities must have a loyal following,

It also shows that they understand business.
All these expensive tweets are simply for branding and PR for the company spending the crazy amounts of money per tweet. The people paying ShoeMoney $4k for a tweet aren't getting conversions. But the more posts that he discusses the tweets on his blog, the more exposure these companies get. Then other webmasters pick up the stories, RT them etc and the company starts to get their return on the investment.
Anybody have a link to his blog?

EDIT: Nevermind it was really easy to find lol.
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