reddit spam filters

  1. S

    Some morons promoting Muah AI (Mwah, Mua,...) and LustyCompanion (Horny-, Sexting-,...) are ruining everything we all rely on

    Hi everyone, Some of you might have seen this moderator-written irritated post at r/ChatGPT: TL;DR - some idiots promoting certain shitty AI sexting products are spamming the whole Reddit so intensively and in such an astonishingly blatant and flat-out moronic manner, that they've driven...
  2. Jean550

    [HELP] How to stop being temporarily banned for spamming messages on reddit?

    Hi guys, Recently, I had four accounts, old and new, that were per banned or temporarily banned for spamming messages. It's strange that these accounts can send massive chat messages to others even if I got the banned banner. But unfortunately, these four accounts have been per banned or...
  3. P

    How to bypass Reddit spam filters?

    Hi, I got a YouTube channel and i promote my YouTube videos on reddit but when i post link on some subreddit, it doesn't appear in the feed of that subreddit (i think reddit might be catching it as spam). I dont spam but post only that same link in every subreddits with different title and...