facebook giveaway campaign

  1. jul3s

    [Method] Make money with giveaways and get a ton of messenger subscribers

    Note: For those that are following, this is Day 19 of my 30 Day Challenge posted in Journey Discussions part of the forum. The point of this method is to: 1. Run a successful giveaway on Facebook for months. 2. Make money. 3. Gain subscribers at low cost, and make more money with selling more...
  2. Mlgcltg

    Giveaway on Facebook and nobody seems care :(

    Hello! We have the campaign to give away something on Facebook. Each item values around $50 + free shipping in the US. I have been shared here and there and seems like nobody interested in it. Almost 500 reached, but only 24 clicks and 3 comments to claim the item from my friends. I would like...