
  1. TomTheCat

    My avatar has changed

    SInce BlackHatWorld updated the theme, I've changed my avatar. How does it look?
  2. adflex

    Palette of success - What brand colours are the best?

    90 seconds after first seeing something, people make a judgement about it, and up to 90% of the impression made is based on colour alone. What I want to say is, colours are important (but I don't see much discussion about it) What are your experiences with choosing the colour for a brand or...
  3. imccafey

    Color Harmony

    What are some of the best ways to learn color harmony? I spend most of my time deciding on which colors to use for my project and it stresses me out a bit
  4. A

    Wordpress bimber theme cannot change header color

    Hello BHW Community! I am changing the header color from customizing section in WordPress, in preview mode, it seems like it is changing but when I save & publish nothing changes. I reset website caches, browser caches and did not help. I changed few other things and I can see that they change...
  5. KamikaziTurtlezz

    RE: The Psychology of Color in Marketing and Branding

    Hey guys, I saw this article on Entrepreneur and thought some might find it useful. It looks into popular colours among women and men, which ones they do/don't like and which colours led to higher conversions. I know this won't be that useful to most people but hopefully it'll help someone :p...
  6. Xp3r7

    I'm tired of empty threads/posts

    Okay, you are smart enough to know how to see this text. Now let me tell you that I have to do this almost every day, just because I'm using the Light theme. So the next time you're planning to not use the default font color and make it white instead, think about all of us who use the other...
  7. webhostingproviders

    Black Hat Forum (Black or Gray)

    I am trying to get some statistics how many user using black background or gray background default colors on BHW. As it would help us to understand which font color is going to be suitable for both color schemes.
  8. Q

    It's dazzling of the BHW style isn't it ?

    could anywhere changing the style of the BHW board ? it's dazzling , hard to read . Pls. administrator get into the matter . I've already registered for months, but the dazzling color keeps me away however i'm so hunger for the content of it . help....................
  9. beatuplunchbox

    Color Scheme

    Im thinking of putting a really long article for seo up on my blog with the text being the same color as the background leaving only my opt in showing. Will this work or be a waste of time?