
  1. C

    Acai berry/free trial offer site legality in the UK

    Just thinking of creating a site like these acai berry "free trial" sites but selling different things with the same payment system type. Does anyone know the legality of doing this in the UK or even better what laws would apply or a solicitor who specialises in this area? If you have...
  2. B

    High Bounce-Rate with Acai and Teeth Whiteners in Germany

    Hey guys. Does or did anybody try to promote the acai berries or any teeth whitening products in a german speaking country such as Germany, Austria or Switzerland? I've got enough traffic on these pages, 50% from PPC and 50% SEO. Every 5th person that hits the merchants LP tries to sign up...
  3. M

    Please help me to understand

    how this guy makes 1k a month with this website. I would assume some sort of BH methods. If this rediculously simple website that is either a scam or he has done some magical SEO. h$$p://marketplace.sitepoint.c0m/auctions/69187"]h$$p://marketplace.sitepoint.c0m/auctions/69187 I would...