Youtube needs to have an option of blocking people completly, not partially


Regular Member
May 5, 2022
Reaction score
For example almost every youtuber have some haters, blocking them doesn't solve the problem at all, those people find your comments on other channels and they keep talking to you by replying your comments on other channels. What I want from youtube is to add an option to block channels completly, for example when I click the block button i want those channels to be disappeared completly, and also I don't want them to talk to me by replying my comments on other channels. so youtube needs to add a block option just like Facebook. on Facebook when you block somebody you won't see that account ever again, but on youtube it's not like that at all and those haters continue talking to you and making videos about you and you will end up seeing them talking about you and talking to you all the time and because of that reason i end up arguing those haters forever.. cuz Youtube doesn't do what needs to be done, block button doesn't do sh*t on youtube.
Can be a good addition.