[Youtube monetization] How do networks work/are they separate from your adsense account?


Regular Member
May 6, 2012
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The situation is...

I have one legit whitehat channel with all my own original content on that I want to preserve the adsense on at all costs.

I have a couple of grey hat channels which I use some copyrighted content on so there's always a chance that adsense could be banned on them.

My dilemma is that if the adsense is banned on one of my grey hat channels (which is somewhat likely), then they are assosciated with the same adsense account as my whitehat one so that would be banned too.

How can I separate the two?

Could I partner the greyhat ones with a network instead of going directly through youtube? Are networks linked to your adsense account? Are networks very on copyrighted content and manually review videos or do they not mind as long as youtube doesn't detect it?

Please can someone please advise me what to do so that I can preserve my monetisation on my white hat account whilst sill making money on my grey hat accounts?
Pretty much, I want to be able to spread my channels over different adsense/network accounts so that if I lose monetization on one, I won't lose it on all channels. What's the best way to do this?

I'm not so worried about my current channels but new ones I'll make going into the future.
Networks ins't linked to your adsense, but you can't join them if your adsense is banned.
Networks ins't linked to your adsense, but you can't join them if your adsense is banned.

So if I join networks with fresh youtube accounts with no adsense linked to them then I'll be fine? How can they tell if your adsense is banned?
If you join network with fresh account without adsense it's ok. If you have banned adsense linked to your account then you can't join network with that account.
1.Most likely if your channel is new, no good network will accept you.
2. I got 3 channels removed due to strikes, 2 website content warnings, my Adsense is still standing.
3. Find a friend, who don't know jack about YouTube/Adsense . Make an Adsense account for them and utilize with your shady content channels, in return give them 30% of your income. (If you join a network they'll ask for almost same income cut).
When you partner with a network, they link their adsense account to your channel.

As far as grey hat content goes, it's going to depend entirely on the network you're signing with.

If you went with Curse for example, it's unlikely that they'd check as long as you meet the requirements.

You'd have to go for a network that's big enough to not be able to check each channel's content specifically, but small/open enough to accept most applicants.

Another option might be Fullscreen.