YouTube lifetime/monetized views ratio gone bad


Regular Member
Oct 13, 2014
Reaction score
Hello friends, I'm having an issue with my lifetime/monetized views ratio. I'm getting more monetized views than lifetime views. Screen Shot 2015-02-27 at 10.40.09 AM.png

Yes, I am boosting my channel and I can change pretty much any settings I want: retention, referer, user agents, anything. Would you know by any chance what could affect the lifetime/monetized ratio? Is there something I could do to make these stats look more realistic?

Thanks in advance.
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Anyone else had this problem? Many affiliates check these stats to decide if they pay you or not.
As far as I remember youtube updates your estimated earnings and monetized views immidietly while just updating a view count in your analytics takes a big time. Even if it's false nowdays you can try to claim it to be like that to your affiliates. (otherwise I just can't see any logical causes of that problem)
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If you are artificially boosting your view count it is very likely that no matter how clever you think your "rig" is - youtube is on to you. If most/many of your videos are stuck at 301 views you may be awaiting the G ban hammer already, but it is also possible as was suggested above - that your ad stats are tracking relatively accurately, but your actual views are being held up. Congrats on the success you do have there!
The same problem as before. People use boosting and at the end they have more subscribers than views . Or equal likes and views
If you are artificially boosting your view count it is very likely that no matter how clever you think your "rig" is - youtube is on to you. If most/many of your videos are stuck at 301 views you may be awaiting the G ban hammer already, but it is also possible as was suggested above - that your ad stats are tracking relatively accurately, but your actual views are being held up. Congrats on the success you do have there!

Thank you for your answer. Most of my videos are not stuck at 301. I do believe my system is pretty on point nd I try to mimic the stats of real channels with real views as much as possible and most of the time I do get paid by networks. The only problem is this little flaw, I have no idea what is causinfg this. Anyway thanks for the answers guys.
There is no way to fix this, your playbacks are high because youtube is counting ALL ad impressions. Not all views are being counted because its already detecting your views as fake... Hence the discrepancy in the analytics.

You may think your system is flawless but google ain't dumb. Those botting days have been over for awhile now. If I were you I would get JW player installed on your web site and run your traffic on that.
Yes I tought about embedding some other video platform on a website, but I would face another problem. I'm getting ALOT of views hence I would need many videos. I guess I could do a youtube/dailymotion clone.

I'm currently testing on other websites also like dailymotion, alot less regulated but also are the profits lower.

Thanks for the suggestions guys.
There is no way to fix this, your playbacks are high because youtube is counting ALL ad impressions. Not all views are being counted because its already detecting your views as fake... Hence the discrepancy in the analytics.

You may think your system is flawless but google ain't dumb. Those botting days have been over for awhile now. If I were you I would get JW player installed on your web site and run your traffic on that.

And my real question I guess was pw to make the views not get detected as fake. I'm already using real pc's, random user agents, random referrer, random retention.