Youtube Keyword Tool ?


Junior Member
Sep 22, 2007
Reaction score
Hey everybody,

I looked around a while back when I started marketing on YT and then again now, but I can't find this.

I'm just looking for a tool that tells the number of times a keyword is searched in YT. Yes, like the keyword tools we all know, but for YT.

Is it possible that there still aren't any ???

I do know a few ways to "guesstimate" this, but I'd really love to have a tool like the one described here.

Then again, if there really aren't any tools like this at the moment, would any of the great programmers on this forum be kind enough to build one ?:D. I believe it would become one h*** of a linkbait for him/her and/or there would be a ton of ways to monetize it.
use tubemogul and keyword carpet bomb one niche without any fluffing of the videos with bots. check the stats after a few days and you will discover the good keywords with traffic.

In general if its popular in googles keyword search tool, its a popular search on utube
Hey Roadie, thanks for your repply.

By " keyword carpet bomb one niche..." do you mean: to upload videos using generic tags for the niche and check your keywords stats a while after to see where your visitors are coming from? If that's the case, I'm already doing it, but with the "insight" function from YT itself. I believe the Tubemogul function you mention is included in the paid version ( btw, is it worth it? ). If you were meaning sth. else, could you clarify, please? It sounded interesting.

( BTW, I'm also using the YT "Suggest" function, the Google keyword tool and the keyword tool from for this, amongst other stuff. )

I can pretty much know the most popular keywords within a given niche. Still, I believe it would be useful and more practical to just go to some tool and find detailed info with numbers and all regarding YT searches.

Anyways, just a thought.
Asides from google's internal stats tools the only analytical data for utube is tubemogul.

pick a niche. chose the best keywords then....its one keyword, one video TARGETING that keyword, rinse and repeat. Now you can keyword carpet bomb by uploading all those videos.
I see, Roadie. Thanks for the clarification.

I've recently noticed the power of focusing on ONLY ONE keyword per video, instead of going a little broader ( I myself have been targeting one main keyword per video, but also trying to include secondary keywords. )

I'll give it a try. THX again.
just start typing in the search field on youtubes home page. If it gets searched enough, it will be in the drop down. Search them up and see what our competition is, and pick your new niche.
Actually thats not totally true, the drop down in the search gives you a hint, but utubes drop down doesn't include alot of high volume searches, believe it or not. Anything that involves trademarks, sexual, etc is not suggest in the dropdown or search suggestions.
SHH.. its better than nothing. The only way would be if Google provided stats for YouTube, and that isnt going to happen. That would just be inviting more marketers into their overly noob filled video marketing pool.
Yes, shuddog, thx for the suggestion. As I said in my second post, I'm already using it. It's still not the best way to find new terms and I'd still like to have actual numbers. I agree It's still very useful though, specially for tags.

Roadie, never looked for sexual keywords but I have found terms containing trademarks.