Youtube Keep mass bannng my acocunts !


Junior Member
Nov 27, 2012
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So Frustrating, I purchased my accounts from a seller here on BHW, I had just finished uploading to 50 accounts the other day and now I look today and almost half are now gone! Makes me question whether these sellers are making each account from a unique IP, anyone have experience with this or advie me what to do to avoid this situation again?
How many accounts are you logging into Per IP?
How many accounts are you logging into Per IP?

I log in to each account on my own ip to upload videos, I thought the only ip tht mattered was the one that created the account
So Frustrating, I purchased my accounts from a seller here on BHW, I had just finished uploading to 50 accounts the other day and now I look today and almost half are now gone! Makes me question whether these sellers are making each account from a unique IP, anyone have experience with this or advie me what to do to avoid this situation again?
have u tried to login manually? most of the times accounts require reverification...
moreover please upload avatar to every account and like and subscribe to several channels before u start uploading...
unique video and discription is also a key...
Do not leave any footprint
I log in to each account on my own ip to upload videos, I thought the only ip tht mattered was the one that created the account

If you're logging into 50 accounts using the same IP then there's a really good chance that they will get banned.
As said about =/ I don't even understand how you log in to 50 accounts on 1 ip at 1 time, I upload to about 5 accounts on 1 IP and all 5 accounts were made on 1 IP not the same one though as it's dynamic. I do this each day, around 200 ~ 500 vid uploads. Manually, don't use a program.
What are you uploading content wise... possible copyright infringement may be a cause.
You should use differents ips for each account! and also don't make mass upload the first day. You can start to set up all these accounts with "credible" informations the first day and start to upload videos progressively.
PS:Avoid Copiright; Otherwise you will be banished immediately
Good luck!
I log in to each account on my own ip to upload videos, I thought the only ip tht mattered was the one that created the account
There's your problem right there. Logging into 50 accounts from the same IP is just asking for them to ban you. The more proxies you use, the better. If you can, use a different proxy for each account.