Youtube comment spammer?

Are you looking for a free one or something you pay for? I don't know of a good bot for free but Vagex does the job for quite cheap.
you can find many bots.

But things are:

Is you have enough YT pva accounts?
have proxies that works with YT perfectly?

those things matters alot as well with Bot ;)
I do this everyday. you may check my previous thread regarding it.
I wud suggest you go into comment spamming only if you have 200-300 new accounts everyday + 100 private proxies(they will get ghosted and banned)
usng those many account u may comment upto 2000-3000 videos Or if you can afford to pay for every captchas then using those account u may comment up to 6000-9000 accounts . THis comes my own observations and experiments.
Good luck finding ur bot.