YouTube Closed Down My YouTube Channels in 3 Days.


Jan 4, 2016
Reaction score
I had 3 YT Channels and I just uploaded some trending, here and there stuff for example some clips from new movies etc etc. They closed down my channel which I made my money and the money that supported me but once the first channel got closed I didn't really care until yesterday my other two channels also got closed down for "repeated violations" I had millions of views on each videos, If I add all the views on all channels together they add way over 50 Million views . I have emailed them hoping to restore my Channels :( But at this rate I do not think the channels will return. I didn't even receive a warning or a first strike >:| Has anyone else had their channel closed suddently and unable. Bloody took me 3 months to get all this running and then it's all gone within 3 days ffs
If you got 50 mil views in 3 months, you should rinse and repeat. Something is working.
you have to follow the law in google ... cuz google become so strict about copyright .... so try to make your own videos without using the others works ... or you can have their permission to use their content .. i have a channel which i used videos from others ... the youtube banned me fom monetizing this videos but didn't ban my channel ... but you look you used so many videos ..
50 mio views in 3 month is awesome, you just need to continue, try to find out what you did wrong to prevent these mistakes in the future..
Yesterday, the youtube also banned me fom monetizing videos but didn't ban my channel
okay let me guess: You did not use a private proxy for each of these channels/accounts right? Or were they all on one gmail (multiple channels) then it's obvious why they closed them all.
Its really all about risk management for Black Hat Youtubers.
You know what youre doing is against the TOS and that the backend systems and algos change all the time.
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