Your Leads + My Mass Emailing (95%+ Inbox Rate)

there are different vendors available at BHW the avg price of 100 Gmail Api's cost is around 30 to 35$ , by which we can send aprox 22k to 25K emails
sorry for offtopic, I searched but didnt find any vendor that sell gmail API's.

Where can I read more about this gmail api sending method.
I have JV offer that might caught your interest so we can earn $ together.
I have capacity of sending around 100K to 200K Emails per day with 95% + inbox rate , with your leads and plan we both can earn a good amount of $'s
Emails can be send both by smtp or Gmail api's.
Offer is that you have to bear api's cost and we can split the ratio to 65% : 35%
65% will be yours and i will keep 35%
send me tele pls
I have JV offer that might caught your interest so we can earn $ together.
I have capacity of sending around 100K to 200K Emails per day with 95% + inbox rate , with your leads and plan we both can earn a good amount of $'s
Emails can be send both by smtp or Gmail api's.
Offer is that you have to bear api's cost and we can split the ratio to 65% : 35%
65% will be yours and i will keep 35%
I am interested, is this still available?
Is the JV still available? if so, please PM me with more details.