your favorite web email extractor?


Regular Member
May 24, 2009
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The past two weeks I've tried many online trials of various email extractors. I liked Fast Email Extractor because I can select a specific nation's domain extension (i.e .cn) to trawl. However, it was hardly fast harvesting only around 900 emails/hour, many of which were garbage like .abuse etc... I'm using these emails for a campaign so I have to ensure they're all from China so I don't get busted for spam. (actually I'm from Canada where there are no spam laws, I just don't want to risk getting sued by an Asian-american :p)

Are there any programs I can download for mac or is purchasing a better option?

Thanks :)
Err, as long as you are using proxies you are not going to get busted, especially with no spam laws in Canada. If you want use Silencer's method shared in the Email Marketing section, extracted well for me but emails were garbage.