You Americans, how does sport betting work over there? Same as UK? Legal?


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Executive VIP
Jun 30, 2014
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I've read some posts that implies betting on sports is illegal over in America. Now I'm guessing that its legal in some states and not others? If so does that mean people in the illegal states just dont bet on sports? Or is it legal if they bet through another website in a legal state?

Either way do people place bets on sports online like they do in the UK? Is the market as big? Its pretty big over hear, bet365 is becoming more and more profitable each year.
umm actually just looked up some stats online gambling market in America is worth about $41,000,000,000. UK is about $3,000,000,000. So I think I've found my answer there! :-)
its only legal in Vegas and Atlantic city as far as i know even online but it does not seem to be a major focus for the F.B.I. or local cops. Its one of those crimes they can not afford to go after cause they would put half of their tax payers in jail over it.