[WTF?!!!?] Brazilian Boy Pronounced Dead, Briefly Resurrected To Ask For Water


Power Member
Feb 6, 2009
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Is this true, is Huffington Post the National Enquirer of the Net or both!?


Kelvin Santos sat up in his coffin, resurrected and asked for water

A two year-old toddler who was pronounced dead, sat up on his coffin during his funeral and asked his father for a drink of water before laying lifeless in the coffin once again, according to Brazilian news sources.
Kelvin Santos was declared dead after he stopped breathing due to complications with pneumonia at Aberlardo Santos Hospital in the northern Brazilian city of Belem. The family held an open-casket wake later that day.
An hour before his funeral, the boy apparently sat back up and asked his father for a drink of water.
The entire family thought they had witnessed a miracle and that Kelvin had in fact come back to life. But a few seconds later, the little boy's body fell back in the casket and the family couldn't wake him up again.
The boy was rushed back to the hospital where he was pronounced dead a second time.

it must be real ! something like this happen on Philippines years ago it was even documented, and boy also asked for water
Don't believe half of what Huffington Post says.
The Huffington Post is known for fake news and purposely creating controversial articles to increase readership and backlinks. They are like a third rate gossip magazine.

It's funny google consider them as an authority site where most of their content is copied and skewed while a good quality content created by individual experts ranks nowhere because it contains few affiliate links here and there.
Don't believe half of what Huffington Post says.
The Huffington Post is known for fake news and purposely creating controversial articles to increase readership and backlinks. They are like a third rate gossip magazine.

It's funny google consider them as an authority site where most of their content is copied and skewed while a good quality content created by individual experts ranks nowhere because it contains few affiliate links here and there.

Oh no, it's the conspiracy army. I guess there was a third tower at 9/11 too, right?
What is so unbelievable about this? Similar strange stuff happen all the time.
Unfortunately, some of these countries don't have advanced medical equipment and can not properly diagnose symptoms which sometimes are confused with death. The sad part is this happens too often, and it's sad that some never realize it isn't dead and gets buried while still alive.

Here's a couple similar cases:

Argentina: Grieving Parents Find Baby Alive in Morgue

'Dead' Baby Wakes Up in Casket During Funeral