[WTB] SEO Service for $15

I can provide you : 80 articles, 80 wikis, 80 forum profiles, 50 bookmarking, 30 commenting and 20 blogs for $15. If interested you can PM me..
Blast your website out to over 33.000 SEO backlinks sites for Google rankings For $10

Get tons of great Google friendly seo backlinks to your website?s home page. This is the ONLY way to get your website RANKED in the results of Google, Bing and Yahoo,to get to the TOP you need your links indexed. Get your URL indexed with 33,000 backlink submissions to SEO backlinks by the end of the day. I also create links to your new backlinks and deliver screenshots to prove it! Powerful stuff!

delivery : 5 days
payment : paypal

please contact me via Pm or email. thanks
This is why newbies fail. They have little money and WASTE them. Then they get hold of a few more bucks and waste them again. And then again. Then they make a thread about how making money online is impossible, or about how and why they quit, etc.

Instead of wasting $15 go and buy 3 more domains from 1and1.com (cheapest domains first year). Find 3 free hosts (even if they put ads on your sites) and setup the domains there.

Work on all 4 sites. YOU work! Forget about buying SEO services. YOU are supposed to be the SEO guy and you are too broke to afford services that make a difference and don't harm your sites.

So after you setup the sites with your favorite CMS, write 8-12 pages of content for each of them. 400-1000 words/page. Don't make all 500 words but some longer, some shorter. Do not put any links or ads.

Write 5 articles by hand (300-400 words). Then spin them by hand. This will take you a while and is annoying. SEO is annoying. Making money is annoying. Fuck off if you can't cope with it. Spin the titles and subtitles A LOT btu make sure they are very readable.

Find the thread by user phpbuilt with the web 2.0 platforms and manually (you are broke, no automation) build 3 accounts on each platform.

Start posting each of the 5 spun articles to half of the web 2.0 sites. Link to your main 4 sites from 2-4 posts on each site, with only one link to one of your sites. Link also from 3 posts to other sites related to the keyword (but not super big ones like Wikipedia, still authority but a bit smaller). One post, do not link anywhere from it.

With the other half you link only with 1-2 links to your main sites, with 1-2 links to your other web 2.0 sites and of course to other related sites that are not yours (to avoid footprints).

Do not link to homepages. Link to inner pages. You can link to homepages with 10-20% of the links, no more. Also varry keywords a lot and also use 20% generic words like "read more", "click here" and URLs (http://...). Again to avoid footprints.

Also interlink about 60% of your web 2.0 sites RANDOMLY.

Now go and find some forums that allow d0f0llow signatures and have high PR. Also find forums related to your niche. Make accounts there and put ONE SINGLE LINK in the signature. You can make more accounts (one for each main site). On related forums you can also make posts.

Go and find phpbuilt again and download his vbulletin bot and use it to juice up your web 2.0. THEN (not before) juice up your 3 sites from 1and1. Now add one post to one of them and put one link to your main site and one link to one other site from 1and1.

Go find some high PR d0f0llow blogs and start posting manual comments on them to get high PR links. bbc.co.uk is a good start but links must be very relevant otherwise they remove them. Actually you can start doing this from day 1, a few hours a day. Just like forum posting.

Gradually add more content to your 4 sites and link from every second or 3rd post to your main site. Add in two of them a link from homepage. Do make sure you also link out to other related sites not just your sites, but link to some pages of theirs that are not competing against you.

Do more link building, write more content.

Add monetization only after you have enough traffic to make $20 or more per month otherwise is useless.

When you have more money, buy one more domain, maybe this time you afford a new shared host too. Hell, ask a friend or something to keep you on his hosting maybe he will. You pay him back when you can if you can. He doesn't loose money.

As you see you have to fucking work which is a bitch because it is not spending. But you're broke, so go work your ass off until you throw up from extenuation. Unless you picked some shit niche and keywords this method (simple, down to earth method) will get you ranking and will provide about 50 times more value than any cheap service out there. Then, when you have some money ($50 or more) go and buy posts o a high PR network. Make sure you analyze the network first because many are crap. If you don't know how to analyze, then pray a lot. It doesn't help much but you have a feeling of being safe and can say it's God's fault that you got penalized or got no positive effects for your $50.

Then when you can afford it do some AMR blasts to the web 2.0 and build link directory links to them too.

Good luck... oh wait, luck has nothing to do with it. Well... lots of energy!

You will need:
1. 15-20min power naps whenever you feel you can't concentrate to work
2. Bananna shake - one handful of peanuts put in a blender and made powder, add 4 banannas, add 20% or so milk so it is drinkable. You get about 3 glasses from that.
3. Pineapple and oranges. Coconut (this one has slow energy release so will keep you going).
4. Meat. Very important!
5. Stretching and jumping around if you don't work. When you feel you're getting depressed or burned out just go out (preferably), work out (preferably) or if you're lazy like me just get up and jump around (you can scream too, it helps) like a crazy dude. It works, do not argue with me. It disconnects you from the shitty thoughts and mood you had and is playful.
6. Water - lots!
I can do a 1000 post to my private blog network for 15.00 or 2000 for 30.00. Let me know.
LMAO I love the ending.

Btw guys, I am also looking for someone to help me out with my site. I will be honest, christmas is here and with my 3 kids and wifey...This is not a good year so I know I won't be able to give too much...but maybe more than $15....MAYBE!..haha.
I have been SOL since I got injured 3 years ago...I was an instructor at a very popular Brazilian Jiu Jitsu MMA gym here in Las Vegas and since my injuries...3 knee surgeries and 2 tears in my lower back....had to depend on my second passion....Videography. Not a pathetic story....just reality. But I am thankful for the guys helping out the guy that only can fork out $15 when I have been charged like $150 a month from callers.
Hire someone to make 100 FR web 2.0 blogs and make general posts with no posts add a few 2-3 more posts on the blogs, and wait 1 month, then make 4th posts with a link pointing back to your money site.

If you make posts and put link straight away, they will be taken down, I learned the hard way :( The french webmasters are strict. Lames
fk fiverr - the latest site to loot noobs after warriorforum