First things first. You need to be VERY cautious with social networking because these are way more strict that search engines or any other ranking outlet because they are the highest on the food chain for being authority sites and recognized in the internet world as the top dogs for content and information, even more than the previously mentioned search engines.
These things are so effective due to being based off of the world's oldest marketing practice..." word of mouth " advertising.
If you go posting a bunch of unrelevant, unrelated, stuffed or crap content into these things, you will be a sitting duck. Never post just to post. Post with a reason/purpose. If you post to make money, you will NOT succeed. You have to post with the purpose of sharing/offering information, be it an opinion, product/service review, answering a common question/issue...just like forum marketing.
That's why they call it " SOCIAL networking " in the first place. It is about people sharing experiences and knowledge about everything from concept to cash.
If you aren't willing to work VERY hard at understanding the pyschology that goes into social networking, don't waste your time because you will get trashed each and every time. There are specific techniques to it.
If you want to make real money from it, you have to be willing to work, post original content and put in the time and effort to have these people become familiar with you. Also, EVERY post has to count. Otherwise, hang it up and move on.
Hope this helps.
arrrgghhh ive been using yigg de for my german pages and it was working so nicely, now yigg has deleted all my messages. how can i avoid this ???