Wow Social Bookmarking pages rank really fast and high but...


Registered Member
Nov 6, 2008
Reaction score

ive created some social bookmarks with links to my pages and they rank really high within hours. but is it helpful to link on the social bookmarks with anchor text, or doesnt it really change anything ???
arrrgghhh ive been using yigg de for my german pages and it was working so nicely, now yigg has deleted all my messages. how can i avoid this ???
First things first. You need to be VERY cautious with social networking because these are way more strict that search engines or any other ranking outlet because they are the highest on the food chain for being authority sites and recognized in the internet world as the top dogs for content and information, even more than the previously mentioned search engines.

These things are so effective due to being based off of the world's oldest marketing practice..." word of mouth " advertising.

If you go posting a bunch of unrelevant, unrelated, stuffed or crap content into these things, you will be a sitting duck. Never post just to post. Post with a reason/purpose. If you post to make money, you will NOT succeed. You have to post with the purpose of sharing/offering information, be it an opinion, product/service review, answering a common question/issue...just like forum marketing.

That's why they call it " SOCIAL networking " in the first place. It is about people sharing experiences and knowledge about everything from concept to cash.

If you aren't willing to work VERY hard at understanding the pyschology that goes into social networking, don't waste your time because you will get trashed each and every time. There are specific techniques to it.

If you want to make real money from it, you have to be willing to work, post original content and put in the time and effort to have these people become familiar with you. Also, EVERY post has to count. Otherwise, hang it up and move on.

Hope this helps.

arrrgghhh ive been using yigg de for my german pages and it was working so nicely, now yigg has deleted all my messages. how can i avoid this ???
yep, that's true. but you could really utilize them for your temporary seo needs and traffic.

yes this is what i mean, but how do i do this best ??
Sure you can but the whole point of seo is to maintain a steady flow of consistant traffic coming to your sites, not just to get it there in the beginning. Eventually, the members of these sites will catch on to your style and will report you themselves.

Remember, this is a " word of mouth " media platform. You can replace multiple accounts for these sites because they want you to use them for multiple domains/campaigns but the next generation of these social sites are already coming up with multiple campaign account processing in one main member account, like the article directories already use.

Being socially and user content driven, these sites are filtering themselves out because the users will support or report you to the main site mods through voting good or bad, reading or banning your promotion. Once you are banned from one of these things, you can create as many new accounts as you want but once the people know your style, you are screwed permanently.

So, burning bridges on these sites for temporary use only is going to be a thing of the past very soon. Don't take the risk of damaging your rep now due to keeping the future of your workability within those networks down the line.

Keep it simple and you'll be fine for ranking like you want and in turn, making profits.

As far as how to do it...simply do what I've suggest already. It works the same way across the board. Post content and become a familiar with these people.

Hope that helps.

yep, that's true. but you could really utilize them for your temporary seo needs and traffic.
thank you very much aftershock for this answer. i think ive got it now ;)
If they deleted your messages, change the way you use the social sites. Instead of posting your pages, use the links your found in there (other people pages that ranks better) and post related comments in those pages. Real working comments, not spamm.
yep, so how often is too often to post a digg article for the same page you think?
I recommend once every other day at the most..common practice that works for me is within every 2-3 days, posting a total of 3 articles per week to digg and the voting style social sites. The content driven, like hubpages can be worked a little more freely, as long as the content is targeted and relevant to the keyword /topic/niche you are posting for.

Also, don't restrict yourself to a set time to have in in by on the posting day, to make it come across more natural, give yourself a window to get it done. If you post on the same time each time, the first time you miss consistantly posting, it WILL freak some people out...heh. You know, the ones that watch for the postman through the livingroom window because he comes between 2:45 and 3:00pm every day..if he hits 3:02, these people are calling the post master general...same thing here. These people come to expect it so give yourself habitual leadway.

yep, so how often is too often to post a digg article for the same page you think?
achnor text is always better if its ********. But you can piggyback traffic form the social sites as your are builing traffic to your new site.
beware that if u only bkmark ur site's posts daily than sooner rather than later u ll get banned. i got banned from both digg and stumbleupn within 15days of resorting to this technique. so make more accounts. bkmark other sites too.