None of my products follow under any of them. At least they lot me know which ones they thought i was violating!
# Language and image content
* Provocative images will not be accepted.
* Ads may not contain, facilitate or promote adult content, including nudity, sexual terms and/or images of people in positions or activities that are excessively suggestive or sexual.
* Ads may not contain, facilitate or promote offensive, profane, vulgar, obscene, or inappropriate language.
* Ads may not contain, facilitate or promote defamatory, libelous, slanderous and/or unlawful content.
# Prohibited Content
We do not accept advertising referencing, facilitating or prompting the following:
* Tobacco products
* Ammunition, firearms, paintball guns, bb guns, or weapons of any kind
* Gambling, including without limitation any online casino, sports books, bingo, or poker
* Ringtones
* Software downloads, freeware, or shareware
* Scams, illegal activity and/or illegal contests, pyramid schemes, or chain letters
* Uncertified pharmaceutical products
* Adult friend finders or dating sites with a sexual emphasis
* Adult toys, videos, or other adult products
* Web cams or surveillance equipment
* Web-based non-accredited colleges that offer degrees
* Inflammatory religious content
* Politically religious agendas and/or any known associations with hate, criminal and/or terrorist activities
* Political content that exploits political agendas or uses "hot button" political issues for commercial use regardless of whether the advertiser has a political agenda
* Hate speech, whether directed at an individual or a group, and whether based upon the race, sex, creed, national origin, religious affiliation, marital status, sexual orientation or language of such individual or group
* Content that advocates against any organization, person, or group of people, with the exception of candidates running for public office
* Content that depicts a health condition in a derogatory or inflammatory way or misrepresents a health condition in any way
* "Get rich quick" and other money making opportunities that offer compensation for little or no investment, including money making schemes positioned as alternatives to part-time or full-time employment