Would someone trade a linkwheel for a 13k twitter account?


Senior Member
Nov 13, 2009
Reaction score
I have a twitter account with over 13k followers that i don't use and i tried selling it but no luck.

Now i am bit short out of money and i would need a linkwheel for a site of mine. I have 2 keywords that i already rank good for...for one i am on spot 5 on google and for the other one on spot 8...both keywords on first page.

I guess a linkwheel should get me a bit higher, so if there is anyone interrested in a little trade, let me know.

I appolagize if i posted in the wrong section of the forum.

thx in advance guys :)
Followers are targeted? what niche?

Give out more info since conv rate depends on it.
I don't know exactly how targetted this is but i had success with ringtone and freebies offers