Would anyone buy this Twitter bot?


Power Member
Jan 12, 2010
Reaction score
Hey, I have been coding a Twitter account creator and I am done with it but I am not sure if people will buy it.

It creates accounts using the web browser. It has Decaptcher and proxy support. It creates the accounts using disposable emails so you dont have to worry about creating your own.

It takes about 10-15 seconds to create an account, depending on your Internet connection.

The bad thing about the account creator is it does not verify your accounts, and you cannot customize your profile, ie. profile pic,URL,bio,etc.

It also has a mass account checker that tells you if your accounts are alive or not.

Does this interest anyone, or is it not worth selling?
Make anothet bot which takes the created accounts and makes then follow someine then u got easy money

Sent from my GT-S5570 using Tapatalk
I was actually trying to code that, but Twitter is acting weird, I might have to outsource it cause I really want to launch this thing :/
before making a bot that follow others please make sure you know the safe ratio it is people you can follow in 24 hours if you follow more account will be derminated for mass following:rolleyes:
@therocketdude A safe ratio isnt really important because you can make one set of accounts to follow a person, and then another set of accounts to use for whatever else you'd like. And also, I dont think itll be a big issue if you follow 1 account per account :)
Hey, I have been coding a Twitter account creator and I am done with it but I am not sure if people will buy it.

It creates accounts using the web browser. It has Decaptcher and proxy support. It creates the accounts using disposable emails so you dont have to worry about creating your own.

It takes about 10-15 seconds to create an account, depending on your Internet connection.

The bad thing about the account creator is it does not verify your accounts, and you cannot customize your profile, ie. profile pic,URL,bio,etc.

It also has a mass account checker that tells you if your accounts are alive or not.

Does this interest anyone, or is it not worth selling?

Since you wounder if it's worth selling i can say it like this.
1. Does your bot have something that no other software has(unique feature)?
2. is your bot stable?
3. If you don't have all features that other software has you can expect that the users wont pay for it unless it's much cheaper then other software. and if so is it worth selling it?
4. Do you want to support all users that buy your bot?
5. Is your bot protected? else you don't protect the investment the buyers does in your bot. i.e it will be cracked.

Just something to think on.
@HatIsBlack Thanks for the questions to think about. It definitely does not have as many features as its competitors but I am planning to sell it WAY cheaper than them.