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Worth buying new Twitter followers to start?


Regular Member
Mar 10, 2011
Reaction score
I was thinking about purchasing a Fiverr gig or two to start up a Twitter account. I just want to do it so when people potentially go to my Twitter account they see I already have a decent following and have more incentive to also follow me.

Is this a good idea or is it pointless?
Not a good idea at all. Most of the follows you will get from the gig will be bots; in fact most of Twitter is bots anyways. I would just get TweetAttacks and blast away.
Yay, I actually purchased Tweet Attacks a few weeks ago I was going to use it, I just figured like 1000 followers would make my account look more legit and get more follow back rate.
in some theory having followers will sometimes invoke others to follow you as well. I think what is more important is the content that you are tweeting about is what will get the people to follow you, if its some topic or interest they like they will follow you.

Also following people causes them to follow you as well, this is why tweet attacks is so good.
Yay, I actually purchased Tweet Attacks a few weeks ago I was going to use it, I just figured like 1000 followers would make my account look more legit and get more follow back rate.

:P If you already bought it just use it exclusively. If you just want followers to inflate your followers count and not people actually interested in your topic, just search BHW for an "auto follow back list." Plenty of those! :)
Instead of junk followers, you could just get a fiverr gig to set up your page.