Wordpress plugin - troubleshooting required


Sep 24, 2008
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I bought a script which I wanted to build several blogs with. Neither me nor my hosts could get it working nor could the person I bought it from.

If there is a good php person I would pay to have it looked at. Please pm me if this interests you and I will send you the details.

I could give it a go - what is the script suppose to do??

coder TMD
Hey thanks.
I will send you a pm. I don't want to get anybody pissed off at me after my first post and then including a link in it.
Any chance it's WPManager? My hosts always have a problem with the security settings it needs. I quit using because it was such a hassle.
Hey Blackberet there were a couple of things missing on my hosts server SOAP, ioncube loader which I heard is a real b..tch to deal with, had to upgrade PHP to 5 among other things.

One of the members is also taking a look at it at the moment..perhaps nulling it I am not sure. It may be a good share if its nulled. I have not had the chance to use it cause..not working. But it looks pretty good.

Thanks for replying.