Wordpress Deletes Blogs?


Regular Member
Oct 24, 2008
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Several members in this section have mentioned that w0rdpress has at one time or another, deleted customers blogs. I even talked to a member on here via instant messaging , and he said his .org blog got deleted by them. I can understand if they delete a w0rodpress.c0m blog, but with the press software installed on my own server, there is no way that would be possible....right?

I have blogs running on RSS automation and none of them have had any problems.

Please tell me the guy I talked to was a complete retard, to give me the extra .01 to the 99.99% retard reasoning scale in my brain.
I don't like to name call anyone so:
Either this guy misunderstood you or you misunderstood him.
Or hi tried to deceive you.

But no it is impossible for wordpress to delete your own hosted blogs.

He sure was.

This message is too short..

Why me??
Why is it all the times mee???
And no, that's not retarded. ^
Wordpress has nothing to do with your content.

It could be possible that someone used a custom wordpress script that calls home - ie back to the designer who wants you to buy the script from them - and they could have something to say about it.

Also be careful with blogspot etc, or any free blog hosting program, they can take down your site for whatever reasons
Oh I am very familiar with blogs, I am building a blog farm right now. But this guy, sounded smart at first, then started talking about tracking software built in and blahh blahh blahh