Won't Hurt Me


Junior Member
Jul 18, 2024
Reaction score
This isn't my first attempt at documenting my journey. A year ago, I wrote under a different name, learned some hard lessons, and walked away. Now I'm back, wiser but no less determined. This time will be different - not because I'll be perfect, not because I've figured it all out, but because I understand something fundamental: there is great honor in simple work.

The Framework​

Every day, I'll use this post as my central dashboard, tracking:
  • Engineering:
    • Computer Science (C#, distributed systems)
    • University coursework (even when it sucks)
  • Physical:
    • Calisthenics/running
    • Sleep schedule
  • Creative:
    • Drawing
    • Technical reading
    • Marketing
I'll post daily, marking each with + or -.

Business Nature of This Forum​

Last time I posted here, some of you rightfully pointed out this is a business forum, not a personal blog. I get it. While I'll still track my overall progress, this journey will also track building of Dockeryard - a real venture aiming to do simple container deployment.

A Note on Growth​

Last time I posted here, criticism would cut deep. Comments about needing therapy, being too extreme, or posting in the wrong place - they all stung. But reality is, bully or not, they try to pick at things they see first. Which means, even if partially it might be true. While I won't respond to hate, I will make note of what is said and will test my character against those again and again, until I find the source of my torment if there is any. I was numb most of the time - probably will be again as I dive back in. But that's the point. Growth isn't comfortable. This time around, I understand: the numbness isn't weakness, it's focus.

Why This Time Is Different​

Last time, I tried to eliminate everything I saw as a weakness. No music, no entertainment, no breaks. I learned that's not sustainable. This time, I'm building a system I can maintain for years, not weeks. The goal isn't to become a machine, but to become someone who consistently pushes their limits.

The Vision​

I will be proud of myself for getting where I am going to get and what I am going to achieve. For too long, I let others dim my light and make me feel small. I do not want that to be the case anymore. Each day, I have been working to peel away those layers of self-doubt that were forced on me, all the trauma, and all the crap that happened to me in the past and left scars in me.

Being authentic means embracing my strengths and acknowledging my struggles. It means standing tall even when it feels uncomfortable. I do not mind being hated by everyone as long as I am content with myself. It's all about the fulfillment and quality of life rather than its length. The real vision isn't about what I do - it's about how I carry myself through life.

The Rules​

  1. Complete transparency on goals and progress
  2. Daily updates, no matter what
  3. No sugar-coating failures or exaggerating successes
  4. Focus on actionable metrics, not feelings
  5. Keep personal details relevant to the journey, something I wasn't really doing with the first blog.

The Creed​

Life is your ultimate competitor - you're not racing against others, but against life itself. Remember that abundance surrounds us; there's enough success for everyone. Your journey forward doesn't require sacrificing yourself to exhaustion.

It's not about the length of your life or the wealth accumulation. You will become rich, but don't make that a metric of measuring your life. It's all about completeness and quality, and not the length of it.
“an actor who stops before the play is done“

To Those Following​

If you're on your own journey of transformation, welcome. I'm not here to preach or inspire - I'm here to do the work, document the process, and build something meaningful. If that resonates with you, let's push each other forward.

"They're going to study you one day. They're going to wonder how you did it."
David Goggins

Let's begin.
I do not think multiple accounts for the same person are allowed on BHW.
I changed the password and email to something I do not know. I don't have access to it anymore. Moderators can delete it if they want.
Hey I don't want to shit on your creed... but

You say '' Life is your ultimate competitor '' true

You say '' you're not racing against others '' false

You say ''Remember that abundance surrounds us'' true

You say ''there's enough success for everyone'' false

I could go on dissecting, but like I said. I don't want to shit on your shit. Life is the best teacher.

BTW those things I labeled as false, depends on the situation/niche really.

Also one more thing about ''there is enough success for everyone'' , how is this possible when everyone has a different definition of success?

Did you find the universal objective truth about what success is???? please share lmao



I recommend you read your own post every day, preferably many times a day.

And update it and evolve it over time (kinda like a personal manifesto)

I recommend this, because there are 630 pages of journeys.

And I been coming on this forum on and off since 2013 or something and I don't know the statistics, but to me

most journeys seem to get abandoned really fast.

Day 1:
E +
P +
C +

Today's paragraph:
There is only now. Our individual lives are small, not only in time but in scale. A corner of the earth. Fame and recognition are impermanent, even great renown ultimately fleets, passed between mortals who understand little about themselves or history.

Today's encouragement:
You are all that you have ever needed to be. You will never be less or more. You just are.
Day 2:
E +
P +
C +

Today's paragraph:
1/4 Reinstalled my OS. Went with Linux - Windows had become a honey trap system. As soon as your needs grow, it starts to lag like it was waiting for that moment its whole life.

2/4 Memory utilization at 8.4 GB with everything running. On Windows it was maxed at 100% and lagging. And I have 16 GB of RAM!

3/4 Did some signals and systems today, plus some circuit theory. Got electromagnetics coming up next semester.

4/4 Heading back to campus in 10-12 days. Parents' house just ain't it anymore. Need my own space. ‍

Today's encouragement:
Thy soul is just yours. If life fucks you over, be sure, you have taken your part in it.
Day 3:
E +
P +
C +

Today's paragraph:
If you are diligent and patient. If you keep the spirit inside of you unharmed, as if you might have to give it back at any moment--if you can embrace this without fear or expectations. You will find fulfillness and happiness. No one can prevent that.

Today's encouragement:
All of it might be unclear, and there might be no light in the sight. But all you have to do is take a step at a time, at the end you will walk into something wonderful and unique that was destined for you.
This isn't my first attempt at documenting my journey. A year ago, I wrote under a different name, learned some hard lessons, and walked away. Now I'm back, wiser but no less determined. This time will be different - not because I'll be perfect, not because I've figured it all out, but because I understand something fundamental: there is great honor in simple work.

The Framework​

Every day, I'll use this post as my central dashboard, tracking:
  • Engineering:
    • Computer Science (C#, distributed systems)
    • University coursework (even when it sucks)
  • Physical:
    • Calisthenics/running
    • Sleep schedule
  • Creative:
    • Drawing
    • Technical reading
    • Marketing
I'll post daily, marking each with + or -.

Business Nature of This Forum​

Last time I posted here, some of you rightfully pointed out this is a business forum, not a personal blog. I get it. While I'll still track my overall progress, this journey will also track building of Dockeryard - a real venture aiming to do simple container deployment.

A Note on Growth​

Last time I posted here, criticism would cut deep. Comments about needing therapy, being too extreme, or posting in the wrong place - they all stung. But reality is, bully or not, they try to pick at things they see first. Which means, even if partially it might be true. While I won't respond to hate, I will make note of what is said and will test my character against those again and again, until I find the source of my torment if there is any. I was numb most of the time - probably will be again as I dive back in. But that's the point. Growth isn't comfortable. This time around, I understand: the numbness isn't weakness, it's focus.

Why This Time Is Different​

Last time, I tried to eliminate everything I saw as a weakness. No music, no entertainment, no breaks. I learned that's not sustainable. This time, I'm building a system I can maintain for years, not weeks. The goal isn't to become a machine, but to become someone who consistently pushes their limits.

The Vision​

I will be proud of myself for getting where I am going to get and what I am going to achieve. For too long, I let others dim my light and make me feel small. I do not want that to be the case anymore. Each day, I have been working to peel away those layers of self-doubt that were forced on me, all the trauma, and all the crap that happened to me in the past and left scars in me.

Being authentic means embracing my strengths and acknowledging my struggles. It means standing tall even when it feels uncomfortable. I do not mind being hated by everyone as long as I am content with myself. It's all about the fulfillment and quality of life rather than its length. The real vision isn't about what I do - it's about how I carry myself through life.

The Rules​

  1. Complete transparency on goals and progress
  2. Daily updates, no matter what
  3. No sugar-coating failures or exaggerating successes
  4. Focus on actionable metrics, not feelings
  5. Keep personal details relevant to the journey, something I wasn't really doing with the first blog.

The Creed​

Life is your ultimate competitor - you're not racing against others, but against life itself. Remember that abundance surrounds us; there's enough success for everyone. Your journey forward doesn't require sacrificing yourself to exhaustion.

It's not about the length of your life or the wealth accumulation. You will become rich, but don't make that a metric of measuring your life. It's all about completeness and quality, and not the length of it.
“an actor who stops before the play is done“

To Those Following​

If you're on your own journey of transformation, welcome. I'm not here to preach or inspire - I'm here to do the work, document the process, and build something meaningful. If that resonates with you, let's push each other forward.

"They're going to study you one day. They're going to wonder how you did it."
David Goggins

Let's begin.
That's a very detailed plan. I love Goggins too. Did you know that he has (advantage) ADHD?

Looking forward for your progress, keep hustling the progress!
Day 4:
E +
P +
C +

Happy new year y'all. There is no tomorrow or yesterday there is only now. The brief moment in the present is all the gift I and you have ever needed in our lives, even if we don't fully realize it. It's about the completeness and quality of your life, never be scared of not living long enough.

As David Goggins would say, from the moment you take your first breath, you are eligible to die and suffer. And it's totally up to you what kind of motherfucker you will be in this life. It's always about you. It's always in you.
Day 5:
E +
P +
C +

All you gotta do is put one foot in front of the other. To keep your soul pure by allowing only the highest of the spirits to posses it. To embrace every single day and whatever comes with gratitude and acceptance. To never talk smack or thing bad about yourself or others. To keep your mind clean, and think nothing if thinking is not required. That is all that you need to do, to get closer to greater good you have envisioned in your mind.
This isn't my first attempt at documenting my journey. A year ago, I wrote under a different name, learned some hard lessons, and walked away. Now I'm back, wiser but no less determined. This time will be different - not because I'll be perfect, not because I've figured it all out, but because I understand something fundamental: there is great honor in simple work.

The Framework​

Every day, I'll use this post as my central dashboard, tracking:
  • Engineering:
    • Computer Science (C#, distributed systems)
    • University coursework (even when it sucks)
  • Physical:
    • Calisthenics/running
    • Sleep schedule
  • Creative:
    • Drawing
    • Technical reading
    • Marketing
I'll post daily, marking each with + or -.

Business Nature of This Forum​

Last time I posted here, some of you rightfully pointed out this is a business forum, not a personal blog. I get it. While I'll still track my overall progress, this journey will also track building of Dockeryard - a real venture aiming to do simple container deployment.

A Note on Growth​

Last time I posted here, criticism would cut deep. Comments about needing therapy, being too extreme, or posting in the wrong place - they all stung. But reality is, bully or not, they try to pick at things they see first. Which means, even if partially it might be true. While I won't respond to hate, I will make note of what is said and will test my character against those again and again, until I find the source of my torment if there is any. I was numb most of the time - probably will be again as I dive back in. But that's the point. Growth isn't comfortable. This time around, I understand: the numbness isn't weakness, it's focus.

Why This Time Is Different​

Last time, I tried to eliminate everything I saw as a weakness. No music, no entertainment, no breaks. I learned that's not sustainable. This time, I'm building a system I can maintain for years, not weeks. The goal isn't to become a machine, but to become someone who consistently pushes their limits.

The Vision​

I will be proud of myself for getting where I am going to get and what I am going to achieve. For too long, I let others dim my light and make me feel small. I do not want that to be the case anymore. Each day, I have been working to peel away those layers of self-doubt that were forced on me, all the trauma, and all the crap that happened to me in the past and left scars in me.

Being authentic means embracing my strengths and acknowledging my struggles. It means standing tall even when it feels uncomfortable. I do not mind being hated by everyone as long as I am content with myself. It's all about the fulfillment and quality of life rather than its length. The real vision isn't about what I do - it's about how I carry myself through life.

The Rules​

  1. Complete transparency on goals and progress
  2. Daily updates, no matter what
  3. No sugar-coating failures or exaggerating successes
  4. Focus on actionable metrics, not feelings
  5. Keep personal details relevant to the journey, something I wasn't really doing with the first blog.

The Creed​

Life is your ultimate competitor - you're not racing against others, but against life itself. Remember that abundance surrounds us; there's enough success for everyone. Your journey forward doesn't require sacrificing yourself to exhaustion.

It's not about the length of your life or the wealth accumulation. You will become rich, but don't make that a metric of measuring your life. It's all about completeness and quality, and not the length of it.
“an actor who stops before the play is done“

To Those Following​

If you're on your own journey of transformation, welcome. I'm not here to preach or inspire - I'm here to do the work, document the process, and build something meaningful. If that resonates with you, let's push each other forward.

"They're going to study you one day. They're going to wonder how you did it."
David Goggins

Let's begin.
i appreciate your goals, vision and rules with specific discipline, may you achieve more, @thekhair
Your mindset and structure are impressive focused, resilient, and built for the long haul. Documenting the process with honesty and persistence is powerful. Wishing you strength as you tackle this journey Dockeryard sounds like a venture with real potential.
Day 6:
E +
P +
C +

Inward power, when it obeys nature. Reacts to events by accommodating itself to what it faces, to what is possible. It needs no specific material. It pursues its own aims as circumstances allow; it turns obstacles into fuel. As a fire overwhelms what would have quenched a lamp. What's thrown on top of conflagration is simply absorbed, consumed by it--it makes it burn brighter.

Small Dockeryard Note: