woke up on the wrong side of the bed literally


Jul 10, 2013
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so i purchased the iphone x 17 days ago on my way back home from the mall screen cracked right from my pocked i mistakenly put it together with my house keys rendering it useless and unusable
took it as fate and changed it, 4 days ago my girlfriend dropped it while trying to charge it. screen broke unusable the distance from where it fell seems impossible for a phone screen to be broken but it did i changed it, fell asleep last night listening to music woke up today screen F***Kin broke again and its not like am some over weight dude who will send anything to coma upon laying on it . is the guy changing my screen all this while ripping me off with low quality screen or is apple phones so bad, it just cost me $840. could have bought another dahm phone. anyone had any bad experience with apple phones?

if you cant read through my typos get me a new screen and i will edit this post
There are screen protectors... plus it's an overpriced smartphone, you have to be careful with it, definitely not that low quality
i do have screen protector and even a silicon casing
Phone insurance is a must these days. Especially when paying over the odds.

As for iPhone though, I see damage/cracks as features that anyone with one eventually gets. Pixel 3 for 'this' cat.
i do have screen protector and even a silicon casing

Idk what was wrong with your model, a friend of mine literally throw it from a significant distance and the screen didn't even had a single small crack. Consider switching to Xiaomi since they're cheap :D
Don't know much about Apple smartphones and their iOS.. Samsung served by the cave god, Android.
have been using iphones for over 5 years now and have never had a problem with any, even though I drop phones quite regularly
Your fault for buying that overpriced brick.
I got a Huawei phone for $250 that everyone mistakes for an iPhone x, dropped it on the pavement couple times by accident, not a single dent or scratch
Chinese know how to make their phones, would buy again.
My iphone is dropped on the floor on almost daily basis and it doesnt have a single scratch :D glass screen protector, case, pop socket combo does wonders for me.
Phone insurance is a must these days. Especially when paying over the odds.

As for iPhone though, I see damage/cracks as features that anyone with one eventually gets. Pixel 3 for 'this' cat.
dosen't pixel 3 have the worst battery life?
have been using iphones for over 5 years now and have never had a problem with any, even though I drop phones quite regularly
what model is that?
Your fault for buying that overpriced brick.
I got a Huawei phone for $250 that everyone mistakes for an iPhone x, dropped it on the pavement couple times by accident, not a single dent or scratch
Chinese know how to make their phones, would buy again.
i might as well go for samsung s8 its Chinese too
Overpriced silly gadget. Android phones cost a fraction and offer same thing.
so i purchased the iphone x 17 days ago on my way back home from the mall screen cracked right from my pocked i mistakenly put it together with my house keys rendering it useless and unusable
took it as fate and changed it, 4 days ago my girlfriend dropped it while trying to charge it. screen broke unusable the distance from where it fell seems impossible for a phone screen to be broken but it did i changed it, fell asleep last night listening to music woke up today screen F***Kin broke again and its not like am some over weight dude who will send anything to coma upon laying on it . is the guy changing my screen all this while ripping me off with low quality screen or is apple phones so bad, it just cost me $840. could have bought another dahm phone. anyone had any bad experience with apple phones?

if you cant read through my typos get me a new screen and i will edit this post

Consider that the screen/glass is binding with the phone housing. Metal etches glass and makes "fault" lines in the glass. That's actually how a simple glass cutting wheel works. If you have a contact point between the housing and the screen that is etching the glass it would continue to make the screen susceptible to breaking. I have a 6s that I have no case or screen protector on. I have been beating the crap out of this phone for years, other than a small crack in the corner of the screen, I have had no issues.

It seems that this iPhone is from The X Files :)
Got a xiaomi redmi note 5 plus... Costed me 180€ 7 months ago and it's still working as a charm :)