[Wired.com] Exclusive: Google, CIA Invest in ‘Future’ of Web Monitoring

Money Man

Elite Member
Apr 2, 2009
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The investment arms of the CIA and Google are both backing a company that monitors the web in real time ? and says it uses that information to predict the future.

The company is called Recorded Future, and it scours tens of thousands of websites, blogs and Twitter accounts to find the relationships between people, organizations, actions and incidents ? both present and still-to-come. In a white paper, the company says its temporal analytics engine ?goes beyond search? by ?looking at the ?invisible links? between documents that talk about the same, or related, entities and events.?


I feel like such a noob... Hard to keep up these days...
well it's no secret that both google/facebook were funded by the C|A

that's why i don't trust facebook and don't use it but unfortunately i can't go without using google.
predict the future...this will be fun and scary at the same time

but hey we can also use something like this to make some monies online
imma makin a thread in the hire a freelancer section asking to create a toy like this lol
CIA's and NSA are the reason why google was able to blow up. They've been working together for a long long time... hence why china doesnt like google. Makes sense right?