Will this link exchange benefit me ?


Regular Member
May 30, 2020
Reaction score
I reached a site owner who was ranking Number 1 for almost every keyword I wanted to rank for ( amazon affiliate ) and he agreed to it.

I want to know will it help in increasing my rankings?
Don't do AB linking, where you link from property a to b, and b to a.
Go for ABC or ABCD (safest option) link exchange.

Site a links to b. Site c links to a

Site a links to b, site c links to d.

In your case it will probably be ABC. Try giving him a link back from a different domain.
Don't do AB linking, where you link from property a to b, and b to a.
Go for ABC or ABCD (safest option) link exchange.

Site a links to b. Site c links to a

Site a links to b, site c links to d.

In your case it will probably be ABC. Try giving him a link back from a different domain.
The main reason he agreed to do this is that I've got some really good links on that expired domain. I don't think he would be interested in exchange if I tell him I'm gonna link to him with any other domain.

I seriously want the link as he is literally making 50-60 USD per day and ranking for a hell lot of low comp KWs which I want too !

You can't know beforehand. If the links are clean and could drive some visitors, then you could try it and see. But you never know, it might not help you at all or may even harm you. I wouldn't do link exchanges in 2020.
This is the best possible link you could get.

Don't do AB linking, where you link from property a to b, and b to a.
Go for ABC or ABCD (safest option) link exchange.

Site a links to b. Site c links to a

Site a links to b, site c links to d.

In your case it will probably be ABC. Try giving him a link back from a different domain.

Agreed. Don't do reciprocal link.
I used to do A B C way 5-8 years ago, but as the SEO world evolving I prefer to pay for it. Also, 1 link will not do miracles, bear in mind to not be disappointed later.
I would say go for it. You will get ranked. But make sure your link is featured in the page that is ranking on the keyword that you want to rank too.
He agreed for a link exchange because the stats of domain are really good. If I ask him to link to me but then I link to him with another blog, he would'nt agree anymore as I don't have any other domain with better stats
He agreed for a link exchange because the stats of domain are really good. If I ask him to link to me but then I link to him with another blog, he would'nt agree anymore as I don't have any other domain with better stats
Drop. The. Deal.
Give it a try. 1 link exchanged does not matter for Google. Sites are allowed to link to each other. The main question is what kind of anchortext will you use. To be on the safe side, I would choose brand or naked url from a site like that.
that guy gets 9-10k pageviews/mo and all I get is 40-50. It's not like I've got something to lose and disavow is always an option :p
Then why are you posting this question and ignoring our advice?
Then why are you posting this question and ignoring our advice?
Sorry if you felt that way but I'm really not. I'm a newbie and if not now, I would definitely take this advice in consideration for future.
I did not know a thing about link exchanges and I obviously learnt about it after everyones replies. It's just the thing I'm considering the thing that could be a huge thing for me if it works and even if it goes the other way around, it's nothing so big and I am not even earning from it.
Let us know how it went, if you're going for it.
Some huge websites are doing this so, I do it too with my similar sites. Those that make sense.

I've seen some publishing houses that rank just fine and connect all their online properties on the homepage.
He agreed for a link exchange because the stats of domain are really good. If I ask him to link to me but then I link to him with another blog, he would'nt agree anymore as I don't have any other domain with better stats

One link like this shouldn't hurt but I would really get a 3rd website for these exchanges.
Give it a try. 1 link exchanged does not matter for Google. Sites are allowed to link to each other. The main question is what kind of anchortext will you use. To be on the safe side, I would choose brand or naked url from a site like that.
This one, if its only one link you can give it a try. Also have backlinks from unique domains.