Will This Get Me Arrested?


Registered Member
May 6, 2008
Reaction score
Here is the deal. I was thinking of trying this method to make some instant cash to my paypal using cra1*gsl1st however I don't know if I can do it without getting into trouble. The idea is to post an ad cra1*gsl1st saying I want to sell my smallville dvd set or dreamweaver or whatever for a ridiculously low price. I would say that we can meet somewhere or if you want I can just send you a link on my website and you can pay via gaypal.

Now of course I won't be meeting anyone but I want them to buy via my link I set up to get my uber cheap smallville dvds or qu1ckb00ks or whatever.

I would then upload it to one of my sites with private registration. I would create a free blog url to send to the people who reply. The free blog would redirect to my download url. The people pay me and receive their download link instantly.

Does anyone think this is doable anonymously?
I don't see any problem with your plan. As long as the buyers get the product. You are going to give them the product, right? If not, I see all sorts of problems.
This is 100% illegal and super easy to get caught. You are almost 100% guarenteed to get arrested.

Hmm. Selling illegal / cracked software with a paypal that has all your billing info?

Time for cops to look up your info and arrest you less than 20min.
I've done it before a few years ago but if the person you send it to see's it's cracked they could easily dick you over & you'd definitely be getting a knock on the door. You could however, buy a 'fake' paypal and forward the proceeds to your main account, just be sure to cover your tracks if the worst happens.
Now if you'd like to take a safer approach here's one concept that's much "cleaner" and less likely to get caught.

Buy things you like such as DVD's...

Burn "backups" of them. And sell the legitimate originals or return them.

WARNING: More than 2 returns like this to your the a store owned by the same company your more then likely to get "hot listed" or denied. They will pickup quick especially on digital items so just watch your self.

Also, don't go bragging about your collection to friends, etc. If you keep quite there's no way to tell your in possession of the said items.

Disclaimer: The above methods may be illegal in your country use information at your own risk. I do not advocate or encourage committing any kind of crime.