Will my google/adwords account get banned?


Registered Member
Jan 18, 2011
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As of here a quik question which I could not find on the internet, neither the forum. As of right now I'm planning on making some money through CPA, youtube and twitter combined but I'm afraid google will finnaly bann my youtube account but also my adwords account.

For me my adwords account is very important because two very valuable white hat webshops run on just their traffic for a couple of years now so I dont wanna risk a ban on that account. Is it ok if I just make another youtube account which is not linked to my google account? If thats get banned will they see my IP then so my other one also get banned? Hate to make a topic for a question actually, normally I wouldn't do that but since I pretty excited on starting with it I knew a few guys here could help me out!

I wouldn't worry about it if the new youtube account is not affiliated with a google account.
I am not sure if someone can correct me : With Ad sense you are not allowed to add cpa/ you tube and others or are you allowed ????
I am not sure if someone can correct me : With Ad sense you are not allowed to add cpa/ you tube and others or are you allowed ????

I use my adwords for two of my webshops with are totally not connected to what Im wanna do right now.

Anyways I was planning to use sharecash together with youtube to let users download music. Anyone gots some expereince with that?