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Will Amazon Ban Me For Having These Types of Banners? (Good Conversion/Click Rates)


Mar 16, 2011
Reaction score
Heres the banner:


I also use 2 more



Conversions went up like crazy with these banners on my sites.

but I'm afraid of getting banned.. is this allowed? Does anyone know? Any help is appreciated! Thanks.
I don't understand why Amazon will ban you for those.
Are you using Amazon to advertise? I'd like to use those banners on my blog. >_<
ofcourse not.but thanks i think i wll use them myself :D
I don't think they will ban you. If you make sales and your traffic is legit, then they will have the interest of keeping you.

Money comes first.
Already uploaded to my site. Thanks buddy ;) But I'm gonna change mine to say "110 % off"
he is lying hes said 75% and free shipping, he may be in troubles
you sir.. just gave your method to everyone...
You might have a problem saying "75% off." I would change that to "up to 75% off."

I'm going to put these up on a few of my sites but I'm going to amend that part. Thanks!
You might have a problem saying "75% off." I would change that to "up to 75% off."

I'm going to put these up on a few of my sites but I'm going to amend that part. Thanks!

once you are done can you upload here :D lol
That's a nice one. I doubt they will even notice the banner. If so, I doubt it is anything that would cause you a major problem. Amazon seems a lot more easy going than say google adsense.
Nice creative! Consumer laws are pretty straight forward. Assuming these products are really up to 70% off, if you claim 70% off it better be 70% off or it has to be qualified clearly. Use up to the way LBrown did and you're much safer. That way the only thing you have to worry about is whether Amazon goes nuts over you creating your own graphics. Not sure how they react to that. Some companies don't care, others give you a warning and some lower the ban hammer.
I made one with a Christmas bow too. Is no one else making custom banners from these? I think these are great. They are going just below the header of my higher traffic sites, even the ones that don't make sense with Amazon.

They will ban you.

They state it clearly that you must use their creatives.

be careful.

good luck
I was previously warned not to use their logo in unauthorized artwork. If you swap out their logo I don't see why you wouldn't be able to use these.
There's no reason why they would ban you for having them. You're not making any false claims, you're not using them to drag Amazon through the mud, and in the end it's bringing customers through to them so as far as they're concerned it's a good deal for them. And what really matters to any vendor with half a brain is getting customers through the door, after all.

If the banners said "Buy from Amazon or I'll kill you", or incited illegal activity, then it would be in their interests to ban you from having them, but as you say the conversion and CTR are good so they've no reason to be bothered by this.
There's no reason why they would ban you for having them. You're not making any false claims, you're not using them to drag Amazon through the mud, and in the end it's bringing customers through to them so as far as they're concerned it's a good deal for them. And what really matters to any vendor with half a brain is getting customers through the door, after all.

If the banners said ?Buy from Amazon or I'll kill you?, or incited illegal activity, then it would be in their interests to ban you from having them, but as you say the conversion and CTR are good so they've no reason to be bothered by this.

From reading there TOS... if you place a link that has 15% off an item.. the link must take the visitor to that item and you have to remove the link when the 15% offer is over.
These banners that people are posting with 75% do not take the person to that upto 75% off item.... mostly because there is no specific item that is 75% off.....

Amazon does not want banners with UPTO 75% off all over the place because then people will label amazon as being full of it...
people will say... BS..nothing is 75% off.... everything is normal price...
and that is hurting amazons reputation.

That is why in their TOS it states that you should turn in the creative to them... so that they can approve it.


you can do anything you want...

I personally make bank with amazon...
I could not risk losing a months worth of commissions over some bullshit banner.... but that is just me.
If you want to be really safe,use "up to 75$ off".This way there's no reason for them to ban you,and as someone above said,money comes first,it's a business afterall.