Why was rambo banned?


Regular Member
Oct 3, 2008
Reaction score
I talked to him a little about a discounted rate for his mentoring program-- various things I noticed made me wary of him and I had a feeling he was about to rip a bunch of people off. I'm curious if my suspicions were correct..

i think he got banned because he was selling through PM and didnt make a BST ..but i think that there is more to this
Either way, best to just let the staff handle it. If he was banned then there was good reason for it.
Just curious.. not trying to intervene.

pennyb-- that was one of the red flags he set off for me. He would have taken payment right away from me.
Didn't aee that one coming!

Hope everything gets sorted out though cos he does quite abit here and it'll be a shame not ti have him around!
I emailed him and he said it was only a 2 week ban.
I see, must not have been ripping people off then.

To rambo: I hope you don't take offense. As you can see I only intended to say what it seemed like to me and wondered if it was true.
you know, i don't think that asking about a ban is being nosey....infact i think there should be a folder in the shit list that lists members that are banned and what for.

IMO, being banned can hurt a members rep...and there could be a big difference between being banned for breaking a rule as opposed to being banned for scamming people. I don't know, i could be wrong, but it's just my opinion.
Next to this post that was the best post on this thread.

Ha! Even if you do say so yourself? :)
It's true enough, I say.

If you are curious about the http://www.blackhatworld.com/blackhat-seo/misc.php?do=cfrules you can read them http://www.blackhatworld.com/blackhat-seo/misc.php?do=cfrules.

Couldn't agree more. The rules are pretty clear, albeit oft' overlooked.
Actually this is the best post because it has a link to happy kitten pictures.


And this thread really needs to be closed or deleted because if there was a need for a discussion, there would be a mod thread about it explaining things.

So, thread closed by the power vested in me by happy kittens.
I know the rules... I'm just curious to know why rambo was banned...

And this thread really needs to be closed or deleted because if there was a need for a discussion, there would be a mod thread about it explaining things.

Since when do we need a mod thread to discuss something?
You know it Sine. ;)

flow, that was a general toss out for the rules, not necessarily you. A case in point may be seen in the very purpose of this thread that everyone could stand to keep that link in mind, regardless of perceived rank and position on this forum. A good rule of thumb is that they only person truly above the rules is the guy that pays the server bill.
I know the rules... I'm just curious to know why rambo was banned...

Since when do we need a mod thread to discuss something?

We don't flow. My point was that when there's something to say, the mods usually say it. We don't need to speculate. We need to wait until they decide to say something, IF they decide to say something.

We know nothing. Therefore we can only speculate. That does nothing but harm, so waiting is the responsible thing to do. If nothing ever shows up, there's a reason for it.

In the mean time, there's kittens. :)

edit: or to put it another way...

If there was something that could be publicly said, it would have been already. The staff and owners definitely aren't new to this game. I trust my doctor because she's a doctor. I trust my boss because he's got 20 years of experience that I don't. It's not blind trust, it's trust they've earned because they've done things I haven't and make decisions every day based on info I don't have.

I trust the muckety mucks here because I've spent more than a year of my life on this board and have never - ever - been disappointed in them when it comes to doing what's best for the board as a whole.

Wish I could say that for anybody running for office... :)
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He was banned for soliciting in pm after his bst hadnt been approved because he failed to provide me with what would be in it. He had tried to sell an ebook before that was a method taken from Nevarc originally and i was suspicious that he just made this coaching as a way around selling that.