Why Most Sites Never Make Much Money in SEO

Some good arguments here. In my opinion, the real algorithm is pretty much more complicated than all of these talked, but yeah, large majority parts of the 200+ factors are really insignificant until they combine together and make whole thing different, and funny is, you can even completely ignore them when you doing well on content + links = 2 biggest factor.

so while many minor factors are not important for "YOU" (This You not means OP, but anyone doing SEO), and you think you can screw them, or you jump a conclusion on them, because why not? You churn the best content + best links, you win. While another guy churn left 198 factors well, and gained the same good ranking, there's where the guessing work lie.

All in all, op always post some good contents and perspective, keep rocking!
It's not about a ratio/keyword density. Google is NOT looking for "ratios". That wouldn't make sense. A ratio doesn't indicate relevance.

They are just looking for keywords and phrases. That's it. Around 3-8 for your main keyword. Regardless of the size of the article. A bunch of variations and plenty of the single words. That's it. So if it's "best toasters", then 3-8 "best toasters", some "top toasters", "toaster reviews" and what you know are variations, and on top of that make sure to use the words "toaster" and "toasters" a lot. Just look at how many times they're used on articles similar to yours on page 1. On top of that you can just make sure you're using extra words you KNOW are related. This could be toasting, toasted, best, top, great, good, reviewed, reviews, review, researched. Forget ratios. You're just want the algorithm to see that your article is relevant for the main keyword, and a main keyword is always a group of keywords.

Stop asking how many times. It's completely the wrong approach. I have absolutely no idea. :) There isn't some golden number where if you link 5 times you'll have special results. It's a complicated algorithm that contains a lot of different elements. The core of it is simple, but trying to "micro optimize" with certain ratios is just futile.

Just don't link 500 times from 1 article. Don't do ridiculous things.

Once, twice, three times, 9 times. 3 in 1 large article, 10 in another large article, 2 in a small article. There's no formula. Just link around here and there from pages that are related using exact/partial anchors.

Thank you so much for this valuable thoughts of yours. Got a huge knowledge from these replies. :)
Thanks again.
Some good arguments here. In my opinion, the real algorithm is pretty much more complicated than all of these talked, but yeah, large majority parts of the 200+ factors are really insignificant until they combine together and make whole thing different, and funny is, you can even completely ignore them when you doing well on content + links = 2 biggest factor.

so while many minor factors are not important for "YOU" (This You not means OP, but anyone doing SEO), and you think you can screw them, or you jump a conclusion on them, because why not? You churn the best content + best links, you win. While another guy churn left 198 factors well, and gained the same good ranking, there's where the guessing work lie.

All in all, op always post some good contents and perspective, keep rocking!

Thanks buddy.

Yeah, there are a lot of factors, which makes it "complicated" and that's why trying to micro-optimize is futile.

Really, it's the old 80/20 rule.

80% of your results just come from following the major ranking factors.

I'm an advocate of good content, BUT, good content won't rank you. Having plenty of the right keywords and keyword variations per page, plus having lots of pages targeting *similar* keywords, ie, giving you topical relevancy, and joining those relevant bits together with internal links using exact/partials. THAT is about 90%.

Sometimes pages don't rank, sometimes good sites drop. There's a lot of stuff that goes on and it's because google are always tweaking the algorithm to attempt to improve it. Sometimes you're just caught with something and you can never work out what it is. That's the nature of SEO.

But most of the time when you follow the right practices you're going to see good results.

It's like links too. People vastly overcomplicate it. Links are super simple and all it comes down to is editorial placements. Good disregards anything that's not editorial. Who knows exactly how much. Maybe certain directories you get 20% juice, some you get 5%, maybe profile links you get 2%. Who knows, who cares. All we need to know is, the for the most part, non-editorial links don't do much.

Really all you need to focus on to rank is contextual links. Guest posts, pbns and niche edits, and also just general links that are placed on a site where it's not a profile, directory etc. Ie, A page with "Related Links" will add juice. Footer links are very powerful if relevant. Sidebar links are powerful if relevant. Generally just any link where the webmaster has placed it, and it's not a user-submitted thing.
I totally agree. I am diving into backlinks now and soon will launch a fire website, im so excited (well not too much tbh)
thanks for your great share tho!
but u also have a link building sales thread on this website....so not sure how people should take your advice as 100% objective
what i am confused with is more is to choose anchor link.

Does link like "click here?" "source" really help or is it to diversify a bit?

Is it a difference on anchor like ink.com or http://ink.com if my website is on https?
This is why I always enjoy reading Tom’s works
what i am confused with is more is to choose anchor link.

Does link like "click here?" "source" really help or is it to diversify a bit?

Is it a difference on anchor like ink.com or http://ink.com if my website is on https?
Its is to diversify and not use exact match ancors. if u create many links, u can also do http, htttps, www, so it looks more natural and give more variety. if u put http google will redirect it so no propz
what i am confused with is more is to choose anchor link.

Does link like "click here?" "source" really help or is it to diversify a bit?

Is it a difference on anchor like ink.com or http://ink.com if my website is on https?

When you add stuff like "click here" you do that because whitehat website owners do it too, you are trying to replicate what whitehat website owners do so you don't stand out from the crowd. If 1 billion websites have roughly 5-10% "click here" in their anchor text, and your site has 90%, guess what google's going to think? Yep, they are going to think your playing the algorithm game, and thus comes the punishment.

That alone probably wouldn't get you punished, but theres a lot of factors in play and you can be the black sheep in any of them, the more you rack up, the more you stand out. You don't want to stand out in the algorithm game.
When you add stuff like "click here" you do that because whitehat website owners do it too, you are trying to replicate what whitehat website owners do so you don't stand out from the crowd. If 1 billion websites have roughly 5-10% "click here" in their anchor text, and your site has 90%, guess what google's going to think? Yep, they are going to think your playing the algorithm game, and thus comes the punishment.

That alone probably wouldn't get you punished, but theres a lot of factors in play and you can be the black sheep in any of them, the more you rack up, the more you stand out. You don't want to stand out in the algorithm game.
This is actually a very good point, to have a natural anchora profile. I just did a quick search on google but couldnt find any study about most used anchors and in what percentage. Someone should definetely do it on a large pool of links to authority websites to see the natural percentage of branded, partial, exact, generic, etc!! Also consider that google cant spot each single blackhat link (and they are a lot) so the avg. Backlink prophile will still include bh methods
For PBN's links what do you think is the best practice ? Point it to inner page or homepage ? Also can i use generic anchor for PBN's ?
Can you tell me how to write high-quality article? thanks
Love your write ups

I am not new to seo

I am building a site that has huge number of articles

What is the best way to rank the articles

My plan send links to
home page,
Money pages

Would try to inter link every article

Is this a good plan
It seem hard to build PBN now. Someone build them build them like real site with traffic. But need much money to do that. Is there a way to build PBN with affordable price.
Totally agree with everything you mentioned, however, one important thing forgot to mention.
I've seen it matters the most in many cases.