Why Is Misleading Allowed In The Marketplace?

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Senior Member
May 15, 2008
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There is one particular thread where a seller claims to have spent $10,725 in ads and generated $51,004.83, making a Return on Investment (ROI) 375%.

Revenue is not profit, thus the claim on a ROI of 375% is false. But the thread was approved and is live since months. :anyway:
There is one particular thread where a seller claims to have spent $10,725 in ads and generated $51,004.83, making a Return on Investment (ROI) 375%.

Revenue is not profit, thus the claim on a ROI of 375% is false. But the thread was approved and is live since months. :anyway:

i dont think the actual msg gets analyzed in detail that much, but the product does. doubt the approver really noticed this. bring it up to the mod who approved it and they would probably edit the text of the seller to remove the ROI section.
Use the 'Report' button and write down as much info as you can. The marketplace thread reports are being investigated by marketplace moderators and above. If your claim is right and you provide enough information, the thread will be taken care of.
There is one particular thread where a seller claims to have spent $10,725 in ads and generated $51,004.83, making a Return on Investment (ROI) 375%.

Revenue is not profit, thus the claim on a ROI of 375% is false. But the thread was approved and is live since months. :anyway:

It depends on the cost of your product and the financial model the company has decided to apply. If, for example, it's a piece of software where you've already written off the cost of development and there is minimal running cost (running on a server who's cost is allocated to a different product) there is a pure profit format - admittedly this is usually something you hear from VC's ;) .

As mentioned above, if you have a concern about a post that doesn't match our terms of service then you can hit the report button. However an alternate option - try asking the vendor, to explain their claims more clearly as if you're not understanding it then others probably won't to and it will only benefit them and their service as well.
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