Why i hate motivational speakers


Junior Member
May 6, 2008
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so lately there's been a lot of threads about tony robbins, and eric thomas and whoever else.

what i hate about motivational speakers, is when they talk about 'success' or give people advice. it's all ideas and content they make up. thye don't talk from experience. most motivational speakers build careers speaking. they dont start speaking after being successful at something.

in reference to the tony robbins business sales video thread. tony robbins doesnt know what its like to run a business. what does he now about blockbuster or netflix ?

now i know what you're thinking. the successful speakers run multi-million dollar businesses themselves. seminars/books/being psuedo celebrities. i know it takes a great deal of skill and business sense to do that. i also know they actually study what they talk about, what makes someone successful, what doesnt, habits blah blah blah. they are experts in their field.

its just bullSh*t that their field is telling other people what to do. when they don't know. they speak too generally to appeal to the public. 'mass advice' is just stupid. a small business man is different from an employee working for a large company, different from a CEO and different from a politician. the fact that all these people come to listen to the same guy, who can't do what they can. is pointless.

an apprentic learns from a master. young from old. inexperienced from experienced.

general horoscope fluff talk that pumps up your emotions and adrenaline and excites you IS STUPID.

/end rant
You have to love Matt Foley though. Check him out below:

Cheers! - "Wiz"
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you know what... I hate those motherfuckers too if i wanna listen to someone spew bullshit i'll call my x. I'm with you bro
I also dislike these motivational speakers n speeches.
Success can't be advised.
Dudes, you can't put Eric Thomas in the same category. Come on... all he does is to pump up people! Success? Maybe in his case, his words come from his own experience. But think a little... the only thing that's important is that they/he deliver an important message. It doesn't matter that they might not have too much of business experience. As long as they can make you work more or change some old and nasty habits, they deserve their money. Right?
I think they all appeal and propagate the same basic principle that we all have potential and we also have the potential of reaching that said potential but only a few do reach it. And why do they reach it? Well for a minority its just they happenedcto hit big but for the majority its through determination perseverance quick thinking initiative etc all characteristics and traits that we can take hold of. And thats why you have tom dick and harry turn up because the paths they tread may be different but the way they tread it is pretty much the same, its borne out of a drive to achieve and succeed and gain and be the best all things everyone wants and needs.

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Calm down dude.. They are all making money just like us.. Why to hate someone because of his job? That's not right. The other day someone will get up and say that I hate IMers then what, what will be your reaction. I agree that they keep preaching same fucking thing but you know which sentence or which book or which video can change an individual's life. I have met few people who were damn failure and pessimistic but after reading or listening to one of these motivational speakers, their lives changed. I respect those guys because directly or indirectly they are helping people and at the same time making some money. What's harm in that? Cheers
this is a massive topic , it goes quite beyond. these sorts of people can have an affect on you, not so much by what they say, but how they say it. when they get on fire and they're pumped, in the flow letting lose, saying y'know, you can do whatever you want, highly charged individuals do have an affect on those around them

thing is, when you step away, and are back on your own, where is that charge coming from now? mostly from what ive seen they dont do a good job at giving you the ability to keep going , lol

so itd seem like people are simply paying to be around these guys rather than what they have to say , try and get a bit of that "woosh" haha

calmly is the way
Honestly, does it really matter if what they say is true, or not? Does it really matter if they are based on personal experiences or made up experiences? I think all that matters is the affect that it has on those who listen. If it motivates them to get off their asses and make some money, or quit smoking, or whatever the topic is, then that is all that matters.
I prefer people like Nick Vujicic. They speak from real experiences and aim to inspire people. I listen to Nick's presentations when I have failed and feel like giving up.
I went to a seminar call the millionaire mind by t-harveker you should check it out its free, I meet him and got to sit down and have lunch with him, tharv told me that most people do not succeed because there are no willing to take action the only people that he hires are people that are willing to step out of their comfort zone and do something about their life, witch is true I see a lot of people lurking around here looking for the golden goose but never do anything about it.. even though it been said by the mods and most vips and not to mention people making money here, he also mentions that he runs seminars 50 weeks out of a year and that 1million a weekend its a slow weekend WTF :yield:. (oh an he will admit and tell this to all of those that attend the seminar an meet him, I'm not the only one with this info)

I am not here to agree or disagree with any one to each its own but I have worked with some personal development speakers and I can say I've seen the ones that do deliver make over 250K over a 3day weekend I know cause I ran payments the accounting. witch I am sure is nothing to what Tony R makes.

now there is going to be the people that are going to disagree but after so many years this so call guys have been providing their services and still continue to make money and so many followers then there might be something there, just my two cents.

you hit in on the head...

all of these guys talk about making it happen, and this is true...if you want to be successful, its up to you to make it happen...

real success takes time and dedication and in my industry takes years to realize your dreams...

my success took me six years to realize and i am now undertaking a three year project that will take me ten hours a day to complete...over three years...

long term thinking is the way to compete with the major players...i wish i could complete this project in two weeks, but i have done the math and three years is the minimum it will take me to complete this project...

anything worth doing, takes time...