Why I am not using SEO anymore to make money!

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Apr 5, 2016
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So I'm going to give some info about my IM SEO journey so far and list the reasons why I am not personally chasing after SEO as a way to make money anymore and what I am getting into.

First off I started browsing this site back in about 2008. I was 18 and looking for anything that could make money online. I spent hours and hours reading everything I could on BHW never really took much action. I ended up getting really distracted with life as I was going to 2 colleges and working a sales job so there was very little time for SEO. However fastforward 8 years and I have had just about enough of life and the rat race so I returned to the interwebz to try to make it big!

So I will tell you somethings I did in life that were actually pretty cool and I wish panned out before getting back into SEO or I should say starting for real.

- I played Halo competitively. I started with Halo CE and meeting up locally for lans. I played halo CE throughout most of mlg for Halo2 but when Halo 3 came out I was HARDCORE into the MLG screen. I played in the pro circuit for MLG 2008 for halo 3. I made about 30k that year just off of winnings and sponsors not to mention the free hotel room and what not. THAT SHIT WAS BADASS.

Well then mlg dropped halo .. fucking of coarse .. bitches. People want to play pussy ass cod and have a closer skill gap. Halo 2 and Halo 3 already crushed competitve skill cap with these horrid abominations. I wanted Halo CE to be in MLG for so damn long.. never fucking happend. Now that im fucking twenty fucking 6 they code it for online play for xbox one... whoo hoo fuck off... anyways.. it was cool but it died.. h4 and beyond just sucks monkey balls

- I played In the Groove 2 tournaments and make big prizes. In the Groove 2 is a dance game like ddr but allowed custom songs which was fucking badass and had a killer niche community... made about 10k collectively here and there .. then like everything super competitive it died out after shit ass konami sued roxor for copyright.. suck a dick they beat you... anyways..

- I did bodybuilding shows and got some trophies .. whoohooo didn't want to pump myself with the massive loads of shit it takes to go pro so left that for boxing .. which I'm still doing.

- I played Magic the Gathering competitively and placed 4th in the Miami grande pre. Won some $$ basically paid for the trip. Life hit me hard and I couldn't keep up with the cost of the current standard cycles and the time it took to dominate the meta and I had a ton of personal problems going on.

Anyways why I am I telling you all this.. because it matters to why I'm choosing to go the route I am.

So my mom and my grandpa passed away recently and everything just felt like it was falling apart.

I ALWAYS want to be the best at whatever I do. I am EXTREMELY competitive and I wanted to make a living off shit I LOVE. I tried fucking hard and the shit didn't pan out.

So the only thing at this point that really worked for me in life to make money was working a god damn job in sales and hustling fucking hard. I worked so many damn sales jobs and I always make bank but I fucking hate the hustle. I FUCKING HATE IT. But I'm so damn good at it.. blah...

My closest thing to making some real fast good cash that made my life kinda the way I want was when I was flipping cars... thing is you can't do it that long gotta play it safe so when that ended.. here I was left to try to take on the world and what do I pick

Just so you know my goal is to live life on MY TERMS I just want to wake up and do as I fucking want without worrying about food, water , bills , roof. Kinda like when your a kid! lol.

But I don't want to be lazy. I just want the freedom so I can hustle when and how I please and play games and try to be the best AS I FUCKING PLEASE. Work and the system is fucking slavery and I've had e fucking nuff .

here about 8 months back I went all in with

I tried a lot of "methods" here on BHW .. the ones that are like make 20 a day.. make 500 a week.. blah blah.. I bought services in the marketplace.. I bought shit on fiverr, seoclerks..

I made a twich

I made a youtube...

I made fb pages..

I did affiliate marketing..

I made niche sites...

I paid for niche sites..

I paid for SEO.

I did seo.

I used the tools... got shit up and then it immediately fell.

I tried launch jacking

I read the shit out of so many damn blogs

I tried domain flipping

and much more....

all in all I made about $1000 with shit a month.. not worth the time and not enough to pay bills at all

I kinda tried a blog... but I fucking hate that shit.. I wanted to scrape and spin but seriously let me tell you now. Spun content is fucking garbage and will get you nowhere fast.. I bought the programs they don't do what they promise and it's still copywright infringement.. basically theres no fucking fast easy way to money.

buying articles is a fucking waste of money

ok so basically what I found is

THERE IS NO FUCKING EASY MONEY. THERE IS NOT EVEN FUCKING WORKING HARD MONEY TO BE MADE. ( This applies to seo and pretty much everything else)

Let me clarify my statement a bit
Let me say

People do make money with IM and SEO..

They are the ones that actually ENJOY making blogs writing and all that shit.
If you enjoy that shit.. do it .. me on the hand I have already worked so god damn hard I am not trying to hustle it all out writing and making vids and blah blah blah .. fuck

I just want something to fucking work.. it doesn't have to 1 2 3 click money but mother fuck can it at least be like read a lot take a lot of action and make enough to live.. well fucking NOPE .. well maybe.. but mostly FUCKING NOPE.

I started to learn.. the ones that actually making money are the ones who are OFFERING THESE SERVICES and in a nutshell really scamming others if not scamming then they are just really fluffing up shit , polishing the terd's they have and selling the dream of $$$.

When I go in the market place and read the fucking ads here at BHW I want to puke...
No one is going to buy your fucking 5 niche sites and pull in the fucking dough with adsense .. fuck off.

and I don't really want to hustle seo services and sell bullshit to noobs .. I just really don't have an interest for that.

Now I will say the ones making some real good money are those that do local seo and write blogs and what not.. web designers and yada yada

Honestly I'm not really trying to run a business
you might want to do that but FUCK really when it comes down to it thats dealing with people and hustling and all that nonsense I can just do in sales and make as much if not more $$ just doing fucking sales

Hustle Hustle Hustle work work work ... FUCK DUDE

I want some of that REAL passive income that MONEY you fuckers sell me in the pitches..

yeah fucking right.. the people who got that going on are doing as they please not telling a damn sole about it.

I want to know how to go from nothing to millions!!! AAHHHHHH .. yeah I know ... fuck off..

So basically I found out I don't really want to pursue Internet marketing

I want to BEAT the system.

Basically I found that it is reserved for the real hackers if you will.

Those with EXTREMELY intensive knowledge of coding and literally all aspects of life in general.

I am now shifting my focus towards actually CODING these tools. Making them do what I want them to do.

My suggestion to anyone out there looking for easy money with Internet marketing or SEO


The rest will explain itself.

Yes this takes a shit ton of time and dedication but thing is Coding is actually interesting unlike seo and internet marketing and reading about Matt Cutts and google and panda and blah blah blah when all you really want it $$$

So to all those who do make good money and shit with SEO and IM .. more power to you.

You will still see me around and talking about shit and who knows tomorrow I may decide to dive in again with seo but for now I'm going headstrong with coding because thats the future and you better learn everything there is to it or your going to get left behind.

Primary focus on artificial intelligence

well for anyone who read that cool... I don't even really know why I wrote this really...

who knows I might meet a cool friend who thinks similarly because of this you never know.
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Oh, hey @THECORE1337! I haven't seen you in a while!

While not exactly passive, there's something I do that you could look into: small business web maintenance. I do this for a few people and charge around $100-150 month per client. All you really have to do is backup the site, keep it updated, and fix any issues the site develops. Unless the site gets hacked, the work hardly takes up any time each month, even with multiple clients.

Also, prepare thyself for people who only read the title.
Oh, hey @THECORE1337! I haven't seen you in a while!

While not exactly passive, there's something I do that you could look into: small business web maintenance. I do this for a few people and charge around $100-150 month per client. All you have really have to do is backup the site, keep it updated, and fix any issues the sites develop. Unless the sites get hacked, the work hardly takes up any time each month, even with multiple clients.

Also, prepare thyself for people who only read the title.

Hey there! Yeah it's been a while. I basically wasn't making enough money to pay bills so I had to hustle it out and get a sales job again which took a ton of my time. I'm just now getting enough time to get back into stuff here.

That actually sounds interesting I'm always interested in new methods. Pm about it if you have the time. Thanks
Maybe Im new here but I support you mate.The SEO is died already.This mostly from them don't know.Google will wipe out whole SEO business.This is just my opinion.But if you have still some assets or wanna talk I might help you how to consolidate and when I see what you have to give you advise how to implement and work on it.
I will not ask money.
It's your fault you bought junk seo services.
Make your own pbns and use that to rank.
Maybe Im new here but I support you mate.The SEO is died already.This mostly from them don't know.Google will wipe out whole SEO business.This is just my opinion.But if you have still some assets or wanna talk I might help you how to consolidate and when I see what you have to give you advise how to implement and work on it.
I will not ask money.

SEO isn't dead. You either don't know how to rank or are buying seo services thinking it will rank you.

Its really fucking hard for Google to stop seo. Because in the end its just a algorithm. And there has to be sites in the top 10..

Only thing they can do is make it more difficult. And that will Weed out people like you thinking seo is dead. While others bank off seo.

Please tell me what you did when you tried to rank
Maybe Im new here but I support you mate.The SEO is died already.This mostly from them don't know.Google will wipe out whole SEO business.This is just my opinion.But if you have still some assets or wanna talk I might help you how to consolidate and when I see what you have to give you advise how to implement and work on it.
I will not ask money.
Stop talking out of your ass. How will google decide who ranks 1st? It MUST have an algorithm to determine it, as long as there's an algorithm, there's always a way to cheat it.
@makistoj on short time will be release new Ebook SEO WAR created from Team of SeoWorld which I know them very well.I had some short insights and you will be amazed what is going on in SEO World.
When I tell you that SEO is Dead is dead and this is final.
^lmao this guy.

Apparently everyone making money from SEO is NOT making money from SEO. Inception
SEO isn't dead. You either don't know how to rank or are buying seo services thinking it will rank you.

Its really fucking hard for Google to stop seo. Because in the end its just a algorithm. And there has to be sites in the top 10..

Only thing they can do is make it more difficult. And that will Weed out people like you thinking seo is dead. While others bank off seo.

Please tell me what you did when you tried to rank

I can't speak for that dude.

I actually agree with you @makistoj SEO is not dead but it is for sure going to get much harder. Thing is unless you are really into this stuff it's just not a viable option.

My personal strat is that I wanted to make a quick buck with seo then invest that money in real estate and other things and let it grow that way. I think most people want this. They don't want seo to be their life and they don't want to spend a bunch of time. They get attrated to it because people pump it up like you just make a site or videos and adsense rev comes rushing in.. oh not adsense but CPA or no not cpa but LAUNCH JACKING ... the list goes on.. one dream to the next. To make anything from these it lierally take most all your time and like I was saying in my post above doesn't even make as much as a sales job. Any commission job I've worked I can consistently make 50k to 80k a year having paid time off and benefits and the all that shit.

People want to game the system real quick and make money and honestly this is dead. From what I saw back in the day like 2006ish you could actually use a tool and make some damn good money real quick. Cookie stuff whatever you name it. That shit really is either not viable anymore or is just so closed off to the public it might as well not be viable.

People are looking for real blackhat gains..

the fact this forum is called blackhatworld is laughable ... it's fucking 100 percent white sometimes tip toe in grey.

When people say SEO is dead they mean BLACKHATSEO is dead... unless you are fucking smart as shit
@makistoj on short time will be release new Ebook SEO WAR created from Team of SeoWorld which I know them very well.I had some short insights and you will be amazed what is going on in SEO World.
When I tell you that SEO is Dead is dead and this is final.
And there it is. The advertisement.. Knew that was coming when he only had 1 post, chiming in.
Basically what I mean about this site..

fucking everyone just trying to scam noobs
nah. I've ranked with services.

And if you just knew how much some people from this forum are making from SEO....

Just watch some journey threads.
And there it is. The advertisement.. Knew that was coming when he only had 1 post, chiming in.
I don't advert anyone or any product.There is no web site or Ebook out on the market yet regrading this concept I've mentioned. I just tell my knowledge I got so far from such "hidden doors from meetings on same table from Google,Facebook and other major player in IM industry".
At least don't tell me that you don't believe in this.
Even baby knows that President of USA Obama put down all above on same table, and that was only first step.
SEO is not the only way to make money, even though it is lucrative, i can see things are getting a lot harder now. It is not dead, but not for everyone.

Just that whatever path you choose, just don't give up half way is my biggest advice :D

Good luck mate.
SEO is not the only way to make money, even though it is lucrative, i can see things are getting a lot harder now. It is not dead, but not for everyone.

Just that whatever path you choose, just don't give up half way is my biggest advice :D

Good luck mate.

Thank you. That is great advice. I have done that in the past many times and it is an unfortunate part of my personality. I get good at things REALLY fast and I expect it to happen with all aspects of life and sometimes especially when it comes to money it doesn't...

Seriously I really wish I knew how these guys make a killing with seo. I see the journeys but I have a really hard time believing it.
Like if I could sit behind someone making 100k a year for a month and watch EVERYTHING he does that would help.

Literally you know sometimes people do need to be spoonfed. People won't do that one here.

I don't need to be spoonfed but damnet it would really help sometimes lmao.

anyways I'm just ranting
nah. I've ranked with services.

And if you just knew how much some people from this forum are making from SEO....

Just watch some journey threads.

dude I really wish I knew how they were doing it. There is never enough detail in the journey threads and a lot of the shit seems made up or exaggerated or situational
I can't speak for that dude.

I actually agree with you @makistoj SEO is not dead but it is for sure going to get much harder. Thing is unless you are really into this stuff it's just not a viable option.

My personal strat is that I wanted to make a quick buck with seo then invest that money in real estate and other things and let it grow that way. I think most people want this. They don't want seo to be their life and they don't want to spend a bunch of time. They get attrated to it because people pump it up like you just make a site or videos and adsense rev comes rushing in.. oh not adsense but CPA or no not cpa but LAUNCH JACKING ... the list goes on.. one dream to the next. To make anything from these it lierally take most all your time and like I was saying in my post above doesn't even make as much as a sales job. Any commission job I've worked I can consistently make 50k to 80k a year having paid time off and benefits and the all that shit.

People want to game the system real quick and make money and honestly this is dead. From what I saw back in the day like 2006ish you could actually use a tool and make some damn good money real quick. Cookie stuff whatever you name it. That shit really is either not viable anymore or is just so closed off to the public it might as well not be viable.

People are looking for real blackhat gains..

the fact this forum is called blackhatworld is laughable ... it's fucking 100 percent white sometimes tip toe in grey.

When people say SEO is dead they mean BLACKHATSEO is dead... unless you are fucking smart as shit

First of, nobody says just make a site and traffic will come. They are idiots if they say that. You can go whitehat. But that takes years and dedication. Lots of guest posting , and blogger outreach.

And secondly do you know what blackhat seo means? It means manipulating the serps and doing something against google tos. People think they can just send some GSA links and rank. That method js dead , but black hat seo isn't dead. You have to evolve. Now it's mainly pbns and some Web 2.0s
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