why facebook blaster pro will not work?


Junior Member
Dec 24, 2009
Reaction score
hi guys
i was wondering if you can tell me why when i try to use face-book blaster pro it will not work on sending out friend requests all other things seem ok so far to some degree ,but with the send friend request it just goes to the add friend page and freezes if i hit manually add friend it works but it does not work on automatic mode which sucks
please advise
this has been discussed in at "facebook blaster pro" topic.

I had this same problem, but it disappeared after a week brake, i dont know what i did in that week.. maybe i runned CCleaner so it removed errors from FBP at registry.
There are few problems with facebook, i want just tell you a real news,
a team member of internet security agency displayed a security break code by which user information can be hacked and being hacked. So be careful.