Why does FollowLiker sometimes not leave any photo description on my posts


Junior Member
Jan 23, 2015
Reaction score
So I let FL run while I'm sleeping and throughout the day, I check it periodically and notice that sometimes it will post the photo I set but leave out the description part entirely. Is this have anything to do with Capcha and if so, how do I fix it? Thanks guys
maybe your comments contain words/expressions which are filtered by ig, so the comments get ghosted, try to reword them and try again, also use well spun comments, if you submit a lot
maybe your comments contain words/expressions which are filtered by ig, so the comments get ghosted, try to reword them and try again, also use well spun comments, if you submit a lot

They're not comments though, they're actual captions to the photos I'm posting. A lot of times FL will just post my photo with no photo caption. I'm not writing anything that should be flagged. Just a simple "photo taken by blah blah blah, be sure to hashtag blah to have a chance to be featured," kind of stuff...

I'm not sure what CAPCHA is, but does this have anything to do w/ that?
They're not comments though, they're actual captions to the photos I'm posting. A lot of times FL will just post my photo with no photo caption. I'm not writing anything that should be flagged. Just a simple "photo taken by blah blah blah, be sure to hashtag blah to have a chance to be featured," kind of stuff...
I'm not sure what CAPCHA is, but does this have anything to do w/ that?
my bad, i meant captions when i said comments
captcha has nothing to do with this, if you were hit with captchas, you couldn't do anything until you solve them, let alone uploading pictures

it's the content of your caption for sure, it might look innocent to you, but it gets filtered by ig, they suffered from a lot of abuse, so they tightened their security maybe a bit too strict to the extent when it affects the everyday user experience negatively
i cannot really say anything else to you than what i already recommended above: try to re-word your captions and see if that helps, switch up hashtags, @mentions if there's any
my bad, i meant captions when i said comments
captcha has nothing to do with this, if you were hit with captchas, you couldn't do anything until you solve them, let alone uploading pictures

it's the content of your caption for sure, it might look innocent to you, but it gets filtered by ig, they suffered from a lot of abuse, so they tightened their security maybe a bit too strict to the extent when it affects the everyday user experience negatively
i cannot really say anything else to you than what i already recommended above: try to re-word your captions and see if that helps, switch up hashtags, mentions if there's any

It's strange because when I log into my phone and edit the original photo and retype the captions and it goes through just fine. Also, all of my other posts that go through are almost identical to the ones that are getting flagged (wording wise). I'll definitely keep my eye on it and make sure what I write is good, thanks again
I usually manually upload them myself since I find it kind of buggy when FL uploads pics.

You can also use web services such as schedulegram too.

Worked like a charm on WH accounts. Don't use them for spammy accounts. Otherwise, you risk of getting your account banned. That's just my experience using the service anyways.
Were you running FL while trying to add your photos? It helps to stop or pause the acc when you want to upload photo(s).