Who's using the NEW social network Vine? Like Instagram, but animated 6 second movies.


Regular Member
Apr 24, 2012
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I just tried it out. For my brand, it looks like it will be extremely useful.


You press your screen, record video, lift your finger from the screen and it stops recording - you can then record more frames just by pressing and holding again. Once you're finished, you can post with a description and hashtags. Very compelling. I can see this being great for marketing.

Who's on it?
Tried posting about it a day or two ago. No reactions... Guess the early adopters could make a bundle from it.
This is going to be huge, like Instagram huge

Just spent 20 minutes on vinepeek.com, the clips just keep coming and coming

Now the question is how to bank from it.
This is going to be huge, like Instagram huge

Just spent 20 minutes on vinepeek.com, the clips just keep coming and coming

Now the question is how to bank from it.

Well, it looks like having links in the profile are not clickable. So much for instagram-level of functionality.

Links in comments? Seems like hashtags and @ messages work - i seem to get notifications for any conversation that's going on. It shares the entire message of the conversation in the "activity" area.
This is going to be a great social network. Look forward to taking advantage of all the exploits.
must say i got bored pretty quickly, already seeing lots of spam/ads on it only a matter or time until that 'his stream is coming straight from Vine and is unmoderated. You have been warned! :)' is no more....!!!

just to clarify i was looking at vinepeek.com
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Guys lets rip this one open. Unlimited amounts of potential. Keek was good but this is wow!
Just started around 6 PM EST and in about an hour, I've gotten 200 followers. Not bad. Pretty fast-growing. I suggest getting started immediately.
Subscribed!:eek: Never Have heard of this? I will read more into this. Thanks OP
It's blowing up right now. Overnight my twitter feed all of the sudden is filled with people who signed up and are trying it. Big people like celebs are trying it out too, so you can be sure other people will follow. I'm worried about it staying this popular, though, since it takes a lot more effort for people to record a video than take a picture, like Instagram.

I started last night and I'm already up to 270 followers. It looks promising. Has anyone else tried changing all the settings like name, email, etc?
How do you gain followers? Same as Instagram? Liking/following/unfollowing?
They started censoring porn and porn tags. If someone flags your video, they put a "Warning" over it and the video doesn't play unless you click on it. No problem.

They started taking away porn tages though. If you search for any adult related tags like #nsfw, it just comes up blank. Seriously, it's like they want people to tag adult videos with #food and #howto, lol.