Who is the motherfucker that keeps deleting my posts?

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Dec 9, 2019
Reaction score
Deleting my apology post.
Bitch, fuck you! On a black hat forum complaining about google - oh they are monopolists. Down with facebook wah wah wah and yet here you are abusing your own 'privileges'.
Fucking hypocrite. Looking in the mirrors why don't you ever. No seriously, why don't you ever? Dickhead.
Bitch, fuck you! On a black hat forum complaining about google - oh they are monopolists. Down with facebook wah wah wah and yet here you are abusing your own 'privileges'.
Fucking hypocrite. Looking in the mirrors why don't you ever. No seriously, why don't you ever?

It is me in that particular thread.

But I have no interest in a sexual relationship with you.
Good job. Less spam, more quality. Way too many low quality spammers these days
Deleting my apology post.
Bitch, fuck you! On a black hat forum complaining about google - oh they are monopolists. Down with facebook wah wah wah and yet here you are abusing your own 'privileges'.
Fucking hypocrite. Looking in the mirrors why don't you ever. No seriously, why don't you ever? Dickhead.

Bro tell me some more about the hypocrisies and abuses of power, so interesting.. so...inspiring . Oh wait, you can't.. you just got bounced you retard :rolleyes:

Deleting my apology post.
Bitch, fuck you! Dickhead.

Not pulling out the tough guy card out but this is not appropriate commentary and would not be acceptable in almost any social setting, online or in person.

I may indeed be a Dickhead, and I've heard that in several situations, but it is not permitted to insult members here.

Come to my home, have a coffee, and then call me a Dickhead and no problems. I'll toss you out on your ear but it wont be personal as it is not here.

You have to earn the right to call me a Dickhead and you have not done that.
lmfao, y'all see his second account?!? He came back to say "fuck you". Im done, that shit had me rolling.
He is the type of person that would turn a warning by police into getting tazed and arrested.
i had a very strange feeling about the Op TBH no kidding i was the first to read his last thrade ''How old are you!''and before i could refresh the page the aggressive post was deleted! i knew this was coming
He is the type of person that would turn a warning by police into getting tazed and arrested.

He's made comments that are Federal violations and I'll share that with the appropriate agencies.

Insults are fine, attacks on children are not.
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