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Who Has The Most Rep Points?


Nov 4, 2011
Reaction score
As I was looking around the Forum I noticed that basstrackerboats had 1408 reputation points, are there members with higher points?

These are huge numbers obviously so very well respected members and must give a lot to the Forum
Here's the top 5, looks like Abstroose is in the lead.


Here's the complete list:
the banks dont take rep points. Dont worry about that too much man.
When you get to my level, they make you start over again so please take that into account.
I cashed some of mine in for Marks & Spencer's vouchers:)
These are huge numbers obviously so very well respected members and must give a lot to the Forum

Keep in mind that people do get rep points for posting funny videos in the lounge or posting pictures of other people's cars so rep is not always a genuine indication of their true reputation. It is possible that some with very high rep are not actually respected, but are just popular.
Keep in mind that people do get rep points for posting funny videos in the lounge or posting pictures of other people's cars so rep is not always a genuine indication of their true reputation. It is possible that some with very high rep are not actually respected, but are just popular.

you can find members with a lot of rep on the shit list and got banned for scamming other members here , the good measure of members is his posts
and his activity to help other members on BHW .

just my opinion
I ignore all that shit...when someone replies in a thread if it makes sense I listen to it, if it sounds like a load shit....I ignore it.

Works for me.
My epenis is Thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis long!:18:
Keep in mind that people do get rep points for posting funny videos in the lounge or posting pictures of other people's cars so rep is not always a genuine indication of their true reputation. It is possible that some with very high rep are not actually respected, but are just popular.

This is very true, unfortunately the more sarcastic you are the more rep you get lol.
I ignore all that shit...when someone replies in a thread if it makes sense I listen to it, if it sounds like a load shit....I ignore it.

Works for me.
This is probably the best way to go about it, also it would be best to keep a mental note or some notes of some members with real info to share as there are some hidden gems in the forum that fly under the radar without noticing them.Those are the people you want to listen too and take good notes of what they say, the others with high rep with bullshit to say just ignore them it will make your learning a lot better.
Click on the 'Members list' tab at the top and you will be able to see who has the most rep and also posts
I ignore all that shit...when someone replies in a thread if it makes sense I listen to it, if it sounds like a load shit....I ignore it.

Works for me.

I agree with this entirely, I don't look at anyones rep, post count or even name until ive read the post and decided if its worth the effort of looking further.
