I will strike the "hero", and leave it at people I "admire":
- Albert Einstein, for hijacking theories from respected members of the scientific community, expanding on them and portraying them as his own, and for being able to make other common-folk be confused by deceiving rhetoric to such an extent we can all get a good laugh out of it.
- Adolf Hitler, for exposing that not only is religion a dangerous mechanism used to control the masses, the control of it can also be seized even at this point in time.
- Richard Dawkins, for demonstrating why living by reason itself and the expansion of one's own intellect are worthy and noble goals.
- Friedrich Nietzsche, for several reasons.
- Thomas Aquina (or "of Aquinos"), for making an intermediary position between stupidity and common sense, as well as several other valuable teachings.
- Mew2King, for being awesome at Smash.
- Socrates, for putting in his oath that cutting in goats and performing abortions are morally reprehensible.
- T.O.I.L., for being awesome at CnC.
- Harro, for having banned me only once.
- Geert Wilders, for being a populist puppet and thereby saving the Dutch politics.
- Barrack Hussein Obama, for trying to put in a working healthcare system.
- Conservatives, for trying to stop a working health-care system from being introduced to America, essentially keeping the current consumerism in check for us marketers to exploit.
- Asian females, for being perfect.
- Yiruma, for composing (did he actually compose it?) and performing "A River Flows In You".
- Anyone in YT comments bashing Twilight-fans for ruining this auditory marvel.
- Peter Joseph and Jacques Fresco, for revealing how disgusting and barbaric our modern society currently is, and for still trying to make it a better place.
NOTE: If I've forgotten to mention you, it's probably because I don't care about you at all.
How about you, guys?