Which hosting company has the latest version of Zend Optimizer installed on their servers?


Registered Member
Mar 25, 2008
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Yeah, I've been bouncing around from host to host trying to find which one has the latest version of Zend Optimizer on their servers. So I thought that I would ask around here to see if anyone might know off the top of their head.

I'd like to test out the Two Enough plugins, but haven't been able to because of the hosts not wanting to upgrade their outdated version of ZO. So, anyone been able to get Multipress (or any other plugin they made) to work on their site? If so, who's your host?

almost all famous hosting companies have zend installed
Many hosts have ZO installed, but which one has the LATEST version installed.
I 've been looking for this too. I think that the only way around if to get a VPS and install ZO in it.
Yeah, I'm looking into it. I saw your posts on "Super pricing on VPS's" thread. I just need to start learning about VPS now.