Which are the most popular niches and which ones do you cover?


Regular Member
Jan 12, 2010
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I cover:

Relationship and dating niche
Weight loss niche
Health and fitness niche

I don't do "IM" or "making money online" niches even though i know these are probably the biggest.
Which niches do you cover in your online efforts?
I cover health and fitness niche nowadays. I want to focus on this before I move into other niches that targets smaller number of audience. I currently plan to increase the number of my sites to make the most out of my campaign.
The most popular niches are the Health & Fitness niche and the Technology niche. I intend to create a website in the Health niche soon.
Give me your email, I'll send you all my money making niches with exact keywords :D
I prefer to stay away from the bigger niches, way too much competition, meaning longer lead times to rank and more effort put in. Easier to cash in on smaller niches, which tend to convert better as well.
I stick to everything which is high paying and the competition is huge, why? cos it pays off in the end.

I stick to :

Car insurance

The money is where the money is.