Which are the best countries for CPA at the moment?

US/Canada, UK, and AU. Definitely the most location based offers that I see.
This sub lens heavily American with Canada and UK next.

Anyways, try Australia. It's similar to Canada but leans more socialist and has a very laid back attitude on top of that. Stay away from Sydney and Melbourne as they are more global and may or may not have an Aussie feel. Brisbane should do.
ALL tier one countries but especially ( USA/UK/AUS/FR/CA)
US, CA, UK, AU is where most offer are for. If you run your own offer, NL can be good too.
If you have a good offer and campaign for a non English speaking country you can sometimes get much higher EPCs because they are less saturated and abused traffic. Just got to know the market well.
well, I've made more money in tier3 countries :)
Depends what kind of offer you want to promote, and how saturated it is... thats the only thing you should look for
It all depends on the niche you are targeting but trying never hurt :)
FR goes really good in dating, but traditionally US, CA, AU, UK.
Any country other than the English speaking ones because less competition.
This is dependent on the industry and the country, for example in the gambling industry alot of non- English markets are also being monetised.
France has been paid highly on all CPA networks, But USA runs well for all peoples.
For mobile traffic - Europe, for desktop traffic - USA, Canada