thanks guys, i stopped working 20 years ago in my early 20s, ive never even had a credit card in my life. ive had a few loans when i was younger but i didnt realize how much $1000 is gonna be a month
i found some banks searching personal loans i just thought it was gonna be easy the first way
i was going to see if i could get a site thats already making money, flippa possibly but they always have the weirdest sites id have no interest in, sites sold here are out of my league probably in price, but sometimes DP has affordable ones
i dont have a monthly source of income from the internet yet, buying a site thats already making money is gonna do alot for me, over $100 a month even
i could borrow like $300 max, anyone have a site theyre getting rid of thats guranteed already making money, or know of ones to look for somewhere under $300
could i start a thread in hire a freelancer about that, or wherever else