Where Can i Get An Actual Loan Online


Jul 23, 2011
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i just wanna get a loan for like $1000, you cant find any actual sites or banks that actually borrow you money. its never ending, fill in your info, get 10 emails that send you to more possible lenders and it keeps going

wheres something real
get a credit card to an electronic store buy something then sell it on ebay for a couple bucks less. I don't mess with credit cards but been shit broke before and that was a plan of mine lol
If you're going to do THAT, at least use the credit card to buy a gift card and then resell that. A gift card can be sold for just a few dollars less than what you paid for it.
Go and upload porn all day ,your soon get there, Shortren the url of the affilcate lead , and add it to the porn video, traffic will goto the offer directly....

This time next week your bee a millionaire

Good luck

Or work hard , keyboard some captures in,
I'm so tempted to add in a half dozen of my sites to this thread.

@tunescool - for a small loan like that just get a cash advance on your CC as that is your best bet. A local bank of credit union may entertain a loan that low but I can't see why as there is little profit in that.

99% of the online sites are going to take advantage of you in terms of rate so you'll be in a terrible spor financially unless that grand is going to make you fast money and a bunch of it.
thanks guys, i stopped working 20 years ago in my early 20s, ive never even had a credit card in my life. ive had a few loans when i was younger but i didnt realize how much $1000 is gonna be a month

i found some banks searching personal loans i just thought it was gonna be easy the first way

i was going to see if i could get a site thats already making money, flippa possibly but they always have the weirdest sites id have no interest in, sites sold here are out of my league probably in price, but sometimes DP has affordable ones

i dont have a monthly source of income from the internet yet, buying a site thats already making money is gonna do alot for me, over $100 a month even

i could borrow like $300 max, anyone have a site theyre getting rid of thats guranteed already making money, or know of ones to look for somewhere under $300

could i start a thread in hire a freelancer about that, or wherever else
OP are you located in the US? If so, what state?

PM me what city if you are okay with that. The company I work for does stuff like this on the regular, and they have a bunch of locations in Wisconsin.
Don't take too much from kabbage. I've learned my lesson.................................................................
try lendingclub. you'll get around 7% apr depending on your credit.
honestly a loan that low you're gonna get really bad rates unless you have stable guarantors. Your best bet if you need the cash urgently is p2p. funding circle/gofundme etc.

In regards to buying a site; generally speaking, if the seller is selling a site that's making $100/month for $1000, he's selling it for a reason (i.e. 40 hours work or it's actually not making any money at all).

If you want to earn money, I'd really suggest: clickworker.com - you'll take home $10/day on average if you put in the effort, which is more than the shitty $100/month from a risky business venture. Once you have some income from clickworker, start up some social media accounts and work on promoting some products.

This is the best way to go IMO - I really wouldn't suggest borrowing $1000 just in the hope a site is already making cash. It's risky, and ultimately you'll be disappointed.