When the wife's not well and you, as the devout husband, have to do the housework

How much did that cost you? :P
I think you need to re-train her... she's spending all that time washing, the wash cloth when there are dishes on the side to crack on with ;)
sorry boss this guy nicked ya sauce

It's good to learn to do chores at an early age, because later on in life you'll have to fully depend on yourself, it really helps with becoming more responsible and neat, I know this because I used to do chores in an early age and now I'm 20 years old and living alone knowing how to use the washing machine, dishwasher and the general household stuff it ain't much but it's honest work :p
Hoping for a girl on the next one. My son is too much like me so this is never going to happen :P
this should have been posted in the jv section and then approved by a mod, but oh wait super mod super mind. It’s a nice lesson too she’ll learn everything comes at a cost, and will further strive to earn money harder, i see many kids are already pampered that they forget the value of money and efforts
I can relate...wifey is currently pregnant, and can't do the house chores like she used to. I'm stuck between helping out and managing my IM biz. Unfortunately, I can't outsource :(
But you're a seasoned internet marketer. So you're already trained to outsource where ever possible.

I see quality service being delivered by this BST seller.
How much were you charged?
For better for worse....in sickness and in health...so its part of the contract.