When starting a new site, should I upload my articles gradually, or all at once?


Aug 7, 2014
Reaction score
Hello all. I'm starting a website in a particular niche and I'm in the process of writing my articles. I plan on writing 1-2 1000 word articles a day for the next 20 or so days, and then transition into 1-2 articles a week. Should I wait until I have a certain number of article to begin posting them to my new site? Or would it be better to gradually upload them as they are completed.

Thanks for the help!
Thanks everyone for the answers. I'm going to go with 5 quality articles up front and then add the rest gradually.
I appreciate all the responses!
Gradually publish them, no one expects you to have all information ready to publish. Gradual publishing makes things look natural.
Google is striving to get as relevant results as possible for people searching = is it likely that someone publishes all their articles at once? no.
Publish as you write and give each of them proper attention before moving on to the next.
Publish a few to start so you have a base for your site. Then post them gradually. 1 per week to start with. Once you start getting more traffic you can always increase the posting rate if you want.
Definitely little by little. The key here in the internet age is to make things look human, not like a bot does things for you.
Upload the content slowly & gradually, it will look more natural in Google's eye ;)
Usually, I post at least 5 articles at once and than start adding articles gradually after google indexes the first 5 articles.
Just add articles as you can, randomness makes things better when we talk about google.
Hmmm i just did a site where i dropped 20 + articles down in one day and then did one every week after that. So far the website is looking promising . It has 2 keywords in top 10 on google after being up only one month.
My vote goes toward the gradual upload as well. Google likes fresh content on websites and by uploading your articles gradually, you'll give yourself plenty of time to create new articles (whereas if you uploaded them all at once, you would have to immediately get started on posting new articles).