What's the last thing you purchased on-line? ? Everybody Add In here....


Elite Member
Oct 30, 2020
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What's the last thing you purchased on-line people?

Lets see what everyone's spending on

My last buy included 3 items:
I just bought 1 pair of shoes for myself
1 pair of shoes for a young kid from the Dominican Republic who's 16 and growing so fast, his parents can't keep up..............
and some Nettle leaf tea leaves.
Membership to a coding community...

Great success
patreon of an nsfw artist, just to get uncensored image i liked
I bought an electric fly swatter.

I've always wanted one, but these last few years, I haven't had a reason to justify the purchase... until now.

I left the door open a week ago while I was cleaning something and, as you can guess, a bunch of flies got in the house. They've been very annoying, but at least I can say that electric fly swatter has been taking care of the problem.
A silly maroon carpet and an astronaut backpack for the cats.
A silly maroon carpet and an astronaut backpack for the cats.
Are you referring to one of these cat carriers?

I'm not going to lie, I've been seeing them around more lately and I liked the idea of getting one, but I could never fit my 16-pounds-of-muscle Bengal cat in there. Not only would she not fit, but I'd imagine she wouldn't like the idea of it even if she could fit.
Are you referring to one of these cat carriers?

I'm not going to lie, I've been seeing them around more lately and I liked the idea of getting one, but I could never fit my 16-pounds-of-muscle Bengal cat in there. Not only would she not fit, but I'd imagine she wouldn't like the idea of it even if she could fit.

Exactly! :D mine is a CHONK british shorthair as well. I bought the large one like this. Fit up to 20lbs. It's available in Amazon https://www.amazon.com/halinfer-Expandable-Backpack-Transparent-Traveling/dp/B08H1LHLR7
