What's the best way to tell a girl you love her for the first time?


Senior Member
Jun 30, 2011
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What's the best way to tell a girl that you love her for the first time?
You just have to say it. If you plan it or over-think it it will come out awkward. But if she feels the same way she'll find that endearing anyway, so just do what feels right.
Yeah, don't over think it. Been there, done that. It's always worked best for me when it was done spontaneously...not that I've said it to that many girls or anything.. :p
Simple mate.. just tell her saying..

"You know{Girl Name}, i feel such a terrific feelings for you"

This simple sayings that could let her heart open.. I used this and the words has been nailed in her heart, you know what I'm sayin..

This way !
Get her drunk and tell her anything! :D

A joke... but it depend on the girl.

There are some that can be affraid if you're expressing yourself directly and some others can accept it.

I think it's easy to understand when someone is loving you and you dont necessary need to explain it... Just be present and try to do some nice things with her.

Invite her to the restaurant, cinema or anything that she love to do.

If she's not stupid, she will easily understand it..
^^^ Like he said it all depends on the girl.. Some you can show you cokc too and they will fall in love with you, others its not so easy. We need niche specific details here.
"To really love a woman.. to understand her, u gotta know her deep inside".. :D

Just tell her " Oh.. damn .. I forgot to tell you that I love you so much since I met you" ..

Heheheh :D
When your having sex and your about to bust, pull out, and say "I love you baby", and then finish your deed on her face.

And then she'll love you long time.
Just be spontaneous and say it when you're on a date or something :)
Grow some balls, man up, and tell her how you feel.No girl want's a pussy.
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